
Providence Mayoral Candidate hoping to sing his way into office

By Jim Vicevich | August 26, 2010 |

His sincerity isn’t just refreshing, it’s stunning. Hey man, you are running for office, what are you trying to do anyway, change the face of politics. Move over Basil Marceaux … there’s a new kid on the block.

Clerical error ensures New Jersey loses $400 million in education funding

By Steve McGough | August 26, 2010 |

This “Race to the Top” thing is totally stupid. From what I remember, Connecticut failed to get an application in on time and lost out, now New Jersey inserts 2008 budget numbers into a binder – instead of the required 2010 numbers – and they miss out [oh well] on $400 million?

Kentucky GOP congressman receives “Porker of the Month” award

By Steve McGough | August 25, 2010 |

Symptom of the disease I tell ya. Corruption is everywhere in Washington and the solution to solve the beltway-critter’s cash redistribution efforts is to move power back to the states. Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) sponsors a bill which would provide federal grants to overseas wildlife protection for lions and cheetahs. Rogers’ daughter likes cats.

Carnahan arsonist might be wacko socialist working for … Carnahan

By Steve McGough | August 25, 2010 |

I agree with Jim Hoft … the guy – if the story is accurate – is crying out for help, but there are a couple of things to point out in this still-developing story concerning the 50 year old white male who was arrested for breaking a window and tossing in some sort of weak…

Paul Begala: Boehner’s call for White House heads to roll a pretty smart move

By Jim Vicevich | August 25, 2010 |

Honesty in politics is always refreshing and this will tell you how much trouble the Democrats are in. Last night on CNN, Clintonista and Democrat/White House strategist Paul Begala was asked to respond to Republican House Leader John Boehner’s call for the firing of Obama’s entire economic team (or what’s left of them). I expected…

Obama one term President? Hillary in the on-deck circle?

By Jim Vicevich | August 24, 2010 |

Saw this last night on Cavuto and we played it this morning. But Cavuto be right? And is Hillary ready to step to the plate? Batter up!

The “Drive-By” President and the Ground Zero Mosque

By Jim Vicevich | August 23, 2010 |

To paraphrase one my favorite Rush Limbaugh expressions in regard to the media, Obama looks more and more like a “Drive-By” President, certainly on the issue of the mosque but it also applies to the Health Care debate (“There may have been a few stray cats and dogs in that bill”) and of course the…

Quote of the day – it’s legal because it’s not illegal

By Steve McGough | August 23, 2010 |

This is great. Concerning the Justice Department’s decision not to bring charges against former House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-Texas), a New York Times editorial notes “many of Mr. DeLay’s actions remain legal only because lawmakers have chosen not to criminalize them”. No kidding!

Florida’s Grayson: It’s Bush’s fault UPDATE: Video

By SoundOffSister | August 21, 2010 |

After keeping a fairly low profile for a few months, Congressman Alan Grayson (D. Fl.) is at it again. Remember Grayson? If you are lucky, you don’t, but, let me ruin your day and remind you.

The Government strikes again: Gulf fisherman who don’t work get more than those who do

By Jim Vicevich | August 19, 2010 |

Now, I know you’re saying, “Oh brother Jim, why does this not surprise me?”. Well it does not surprise me but still, it such a sad example of how the government: a. does not value hard work and initiative and b. is clueless when it comes to compensation. Maybe its because no one in this…