
Governor Moonbeam’s aide to E-Bay Queen: You’re a whore

By Jim Vicevich | October 8, 2010 |

Hard to believe the party of women … the party of respect for women … the party of … oh never mind.

Government regulatory uncertainty puts ‘breaks’ on economy

By Steve McGough | October 6, 2010 |

Small businesses are somewhat resilient when it comes to dealing with state and federal regulations, and to a certain extent, large businesses can deal with the new rules and rule changes a bit more effectively since they can absorb additional costs across different business areas. What small and large businesses both have more difficulty with…

Blumenthal on how jobs are created: I’m not going to DC to be an entrepreneur – UPDATE: Blumenthal’s Beauty Pageant Moment

By Jim Vicevich | October 5, 2010 |

Not the only sign of the great divide between the people and the power, but one of the best. Hey small business, I’m on your side even if I don’t know a thing about what you do.

Liberal One National Rally: A friendly gathering of socialists

By Jim Vicevich | October 2, 2010 |

Hey, why hide it? They’re socialists and proud of it, proud to be bused in and listen to Harry Belafonte and Ed Schultz. Proud. And why? Because everyone deserves the money you’ve worked hard for. Oh, and guess who the enemy is? Why it’s the ….. Tea Party? Radicals and dangerous because nothing is more…

Your Krauthammer Moment: No tax cuts, no budget, they’re incompetent

By Jim Vicevich | September 30, 2010 |

It’s the Democrats he’s talking about, mostly because they are in charge, with huge majorities. But wait there’s more. Vast numbers of that huge majority sided with the Republicans … retain the Bush Tax rates across the board for the people and the people that employ the people. Bipartisan! Maybe that’s why CK calls the…

Clinton and Kerry target Tea Party: You’re either crazy or stupid

By Jim Vicevich | September 28, 2010 |

Of course we are. Crazy like a fox … or is that Fox? Over the weekend the Democrats showed one more time, well actually twice, why they will lose in November, how out of touch with the electorate they are, and why the old style politics just won’t work this year, and hopefully never again.…

Sinking: The Blumenthal slide continues

By Jim Vicevich | September 27, 2010 |

Rasmussen’s latest poll on the Connecticut Senate race gives us the “Tale of the Tape”. Linda McMahon continues to close the gap on the “golden boy”. More telling for crown prince Blumenthal, the leaners are breaking for McMahon. Momentum!

Obama administration – ACORN violated federal rules concerning housing grants

By Steve McGough | September 24, 2010 |

ACORN still exists, they were never put out of business. They simply changed the name of the organization, continuing their abuse of the system. Another symptom of the disease since any sort of federal funding of programs like this is completely unconstitutional.

Obama’s Aunt Zeituni to America: Give it to me

By Jim Vicevich | September 23, 2010 |

This is perhaps the most amazing story you will ever see on how illegal immigrants have learned to game the system. President Obama’s Aunty Zeituni (yes, he’s her nephew) has scammed America for free housing, and disability checks to the tune of thousands of dollars. “You are here to help the poor and other women.…

Rep. Holmes Norton: I’m surprised you have not donated to me yet – I’m important

By Steve McGough | September 16, 2010 |

I’m not surprised at all. I’m not exactly certain if a call like this is illegal or an ethical issue, but last night, Big Government posted a voicemail to a reported lobbyist left by Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) looking for a donation. Another symptom of the disease that leaves a bad taste in your…