Nobody on the left is going to have a problem with this. You see, the left is tolerant of your personal opinion right up to the point where you express an opinion contrary to their own. Let’s say Chick-fil-A forced a manager at a store to resign because said manager contributed to a campaign promoting gay marriage.…
Every now and then a newspaper headline causes a double take. The following quote appeared on page 1 of today’s Orlando Sentinel directing the reader to an article in the business section.
Why wouldn’t Vladimir Putin take over – at least – eastern Ukraine? Michael Weiss over at lays out 10 reasons not to believe Putin when he says Russia will not invade Ukraine.
I’m helping to organize two handgun training opportunities in early May up in Deerfield, Mass. Whether you’ve just taken the NRA Basic Pistol class and purchased your first handgun, or are more experienced, we have a class for you!
You might think last-second rescues only happen in the movies, but here we have one very lucky construction worker pushed into a corner by a structure fire at an apartment building under construction. Then he has to … oh heck, no spoilers. Watch the video.
My next NRA Basic Pistol class will be held on Monday and Tuesday, March 17 & 18 starting at 6 p.m. each night. An ideal number of students for me is six, and I think I have three, so I’d like to again reach out to readers to see if they are interested.
No real time to write about Russia’s encroachment (invasion) into the Ukrainian state of Crimea, but I figured I’d post these video clips for review since I find them somewhat interesting. Let’s look back to yesterday’s Krauthammer comments and the 2012 election.
Rev. Al Sharpton, the MSNBC host and all-around holder of the race-baiting title, is actually speaking out about black teenagers who are playing the knockout assault-and-battery-attempted-murder “game” in New York City.
Our first president, George Washington proclaimed the fourth Thursday of each November, Thanksgiving Day. I had not read his proclamation in years, and just read it again this morning and wanted to share it with you. Read the message within. We hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends.