It’s all about Obama – White House tribute Tweet on Mandela is photo of … Obama
It’s all about the man. Every day. All day.
No commentary on the passing of Mandela, just an observation made by many already. This White House is deaf.
Rest in peace, Nelson Mandela.
— White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) December 5, 2013

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For President Obama, the I’s have it.
Obama is a narcissist with narcissistic tendencies.? His statement sounds like something culled from early O-care – ‘bend the cost curve down’ and ‘arc of moral justice’.? Barry apparently likes curved surfaces.
I rarely agree with POTUS on anything? but concur on RIP Nelson Mandela.
Ahhh the racists are out early today…P.S. ?Is that why we keep winning and you keep whining? ?#Cruz
Yes, you are up early!? Good morning!? When Dems win, the country loses.? ?bamacare a case in point.? #Cruz was right.
The democrats have controlled Connecticut for years! Look upon their mighty work and tell me, what one party rule has begotten.
CT isn’t #1 in anything except corruption and cronyism.
Did you just call me a racist because of my post? If so, just want to be clear about it.
noreen has a serious case of acute liberal knee jerk syndrome, complete with extreme psychological projection.
It is nice to have a loony liberal mascot though.? For perspective if nothing else.
Ahh, Noreen and what did you call us when we criticized President George W. Bush? #IstandwithRand
Noreen is apparently a “seagull”; drops in, leaves some crap, flies away…..
A great jobs report! I thought Obamacare was a Jobs Killer?
7% unemployment, with a mere 203,000 jobs is good to you?? During the Christmas run up?? And, of course, we have to assume that the books weren’t cooked yet again, and that there will be a quiet “readjustment” of this “miraculous recovery” of which you speak.
Likely, whenever ?bama stops putting off the implementation of the really onerous parts of ?bamacare (like well after the 2014 elections), the real job killing will begin, although raising the minimum wage will be a prelude to disaster.
When the Fed stops buying bonds . . . a perfect storm is forming with the economy as its target. Any job will look good, even all of those part-time, minimum wage jobs that the unions are busy decrying now.
The ?care mandates are going to suck so much money out of the economy that there will not be much left over for celebrations.
Keep drinking that Kool-Aid and denying reality, Noreen.
And the private sector SHRANK in 41 states (
Yep, job killer!? Health care killer.? Economy killer.? Diplomacy killer.? The all purpose Democrat.
The least they could do is have a picture that included Mandela.? But that would detract from the ?ne.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Rest In Peace, Nelson Mandela.
Agreed.? At least he can say he left the world a little bit better during his life.
Obama is trying to bask in the reflected light of Mandela’s greatness.
Next the media will trot out Bill and Hill tell us how much better they are for having met Mandela and vice versa.
A new low for Obama.
Obama will surely see some mandate in his eulogizing speech and will return here to carry Mandela’s torch and right many wrongs here- and that won’t include espousing any disapproval of the knock-out game… ?He’d play the game himself, but he’s not man enough to take on the typical Jewish grandmother:)
Obama and Mandels were old buds, you see. It was that way all along. Obama sent flowers regularly and tweeted him all the time. They were both down with the struggle.
The narrative has evolved that Obama has a calling to take over the work of Mandela. He is going to co-opt for himself everything said about Mandela. We are going to witness a re-coronation of? Obama in his third or fourth coming. Mathews was right: Obama will walk amongst us, lo, he is the “son of the soil,” for “he is our guiding light, none should question him” as “he is paving the way for our better future.” The Left Stream Media is busy deifying Obama as we speak. This is their opportunity to dust off the immaculation script they have been refining for Obama.
Look for Bill and the Hill to jump on the glory wagon along with every other democrat and cibil-rights mogul. Pure cheap, opportunistic, liberal political theater.
It is unseemly, ghoulish and vulgar to capitalize on Mandela’s death as the democrats and Obama are doing. Once again, Obama is trying to borrow greatness and, at the same time, embrace a distraction.
Pardon me while I hurl . . .
Considering some of the “less reported” work of Mandela (, maybe ?bama *is* an acolyte…