The small group is quiet and reverent for the first few moments after they realize the grand jury did not deliver the indictment they were looking for. Lesley McSpadden tearfully speaks. CNN and The New York Times captured the video at this moment. Then came the demand to “burn this bitch down” by McSpadden’s husband…
Overnight, documents were released revealing what we are told includes all of the information the grand jury in Ferguson had when it made the decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the self-defense shooting of Michael Brown. We are not privy to the deliberations of the grand jury because it is private.
As I begin typing this post, it’s about 8:10 p.m. ET, 50 minutes or so prior to the announcement concerning the grand jury’s decision in Ferguson. They are making the decision if Officer Darren Wilson should be indicted for shooting and killing Michael Wilson in Missouri.
The leaks are trickling out. Just yesterday, I wrote about the two previous grand jury leaks during the last five days that corroborate original public accounts from the Ferguson Police Department, and the radio interview of one officer Darren Wilson’s supposed friends.
Multiple leaks have seemingly come from insiders directly familiar with the Darren Wilson grand jury proceedings in Missouri during the last week. The grand jury is considering if Wilson, a police officer in Ferguson, was justified in killing Michael Brown on Aug. 4.
Yeah, only two weeks to fix. I read this when the story came out and forgot to write about it. I’m pretty certain some other bloggers pointed it out immediately after it was published, but just today the New York Times published their correction.
For the life of me, I can not figure out why a review of traffic stop statistics could provide race-baiters with solid information showing cops are “illegally” racial profiling. Oh wait, I know. They can use the statistics collected – no matter how valid they are – to show a “disparity” they can use in a headline.
There has been quite a few people who are confused when it comes to traveling with your firearm by air. This post will review how you should pack your stuff.
An important update to yesterday’s post on the Lois Lerner email situation. The full letter sent to the chairman and ranking member of the Committee on Finance who requested documents and emails from the IRS concerning the application process for tax exempt organizations is now available. PLEASE read this post and share it with everyone…