
Barney Frank wants a redo on Fannie and Freddie: That was then, this is now

By Jim Vicevich | August 19, 2010 |

I watched the entire Neil Cavuto interview last night with Barney Frank and I was stunned. Stunned at how Bawney kept patting himself on the back for being the only one to recognize the weakness of Fanny and Freddie, how he tried to hard to make reforms but was blocked by Bush every step of…

Good news for Blumenthal: 9th circuit says lying about service not illegal Update

By SoundOffSister | August 18, 2010 |

Yesterday, the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a 2-1 opinion involving the Stolen Valor Act.  That law made it a federal crime to represent that you had received a medal while serving in the military when you hadn’t.

Sad Day Indeed: Krauthammer on Blago – It’s just what politicians do

By Jim Vicevich | August 18, 2010 |

My heart aches on this one. Have the American people become so jaded that people are just willing to say … “Well, that’s just politicians do.” Depression.

It’s not your money … and apparently not your land either.

By Jim Vicevich | August 15, 2010 |

Did you know the federal government owns one out of every three acres of land in the United States. And each day we discover that it’s not enough. Utah Congressman Rob Bishop was first to uncover this last March when he exposed a Department of Interior memo that indicates the Government plans to grab another…

Speaking of George W. Bush…

By SoundOffSister | August 12, 2010 |

Jim devoted considerable time today in both his posts, and on his show to a “miss me yet” theme about President Bush. Last week I received an e-mail from a good friend about “W”.  Luckily I saved it, so I can share it with you.

Amending the 14th Amendment: Culture of hate?

By Jim Vicevich | August 9, 2010 |

Well if you listen to the left, it’s because you would be a racist. This post gives the precise reason for amending the 14th amendment to the US Constitution and the left’s crazy, lunatic response. Once again raaaaaaaaacist.

Tennessee Basil … we hardly knew ye

By Jim Vicevich | August 6, 2010 |

Ahhh. It’s over. The Man who would stimulate the economy by planting grass in empty lots, and make everyone carry a gun or face a fine, why he even offered to be any state’s Governor if he could fix it, lost yesterday’s primary vote in Tennessee.

A payoff, not a stimulus

By Jim Vicevich | August 4, 2010 |

Another great moment in Charles Krauthammer history. After Republicans pointed out yesterday the waste in the President’s porkapalooza stimulus bill (money for ant research) … Krauthammer couldn’t resist the opportunity to call it like he sees it and he sees with great clarity and very little political correctness.

Palin to Obama: No conjones!

By Jim Vicevich | August 2, 2010 |

Cashews! Indeed. Sarah Palin praises Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for tackling illegal immigration. But Obama? Not so much.

Cavuto to Obama: It isn’t we don’t like you … we just don’t believe you

By Jim Vicevich | July 29, 2010 |

Great analysis of Obama’s most recent poll numbers that continue sinking to new lows. If the One “oneders” why … Cavuto gives him a clue.