
November 2 … Trash Day … No Recyclables

By Jim Vicevich | October 28, 2010 |

I have heard a number of callers sound a little bit too much like … as AP would say … Eeyore. Well, fire up my friends with this video.

Democrats create fake Tea Party candidate to siphon votes from GOP

By Steve McGough | October 28, 2010 |

They think a small part of the electorate in New Jersey – especially the Republicans – are too stupid to figure out what’s going on. I’ll freely admit some likely GOP voters will blindly follow, but most of the blind-followers are normally associated with the donkey party.

Symptom of the Disease: Google, the White House and a $1.8 million fundraiser

By Steve McGough | October 28, 2010 |

Do you have an issue with Google driving around the world capturing personal information? While many countries are holding Google to a high standard and taking them to court, claiming private information was stolen, Google management raised $1.8 million for Democrats at one dinner … and four days later…

Blumenthal: Guilty until proven innocent

By Jim Vicevich | October 27, 2010 |

We’ll hold the trial in the morning and hang em before noon. The “jobs” Senator. “You are out of business. You are dead”

Governor Moonbeam has a Flashback

By Dave in EH | October 27, 2010 |

It has been said, in a less political correct era, that California is like a bowl of granola.  Looking at some of their past political leaders, the old line about nuts and flakes comes into its own.

Oh no, not again. Obama says there’s this car … but this time …

By Jim Vicevich | October 26, 2010 |

He’s thrown another change up. This is kinda of like watching one of my alt country singers perform. The greatness of a live performance is the performer never performs the same song the same way twice. Yes, the theme is the same … but the ending is always different. In other words … this is…

Obama tells Latinos “He’s not a king”. AP at Hotair: Nope, more like a Duke … coronation must wait. UPDATE: Video

By Jim Vicevich | October 25, 2010 |

The hubris might anger some but not me. I find it all very amusing. Knew slapping fun actually. Awesomely bombastic? He, let’s not go that far. Does Obama have a high opinion of himself? Sure … it’s just been dialed back a bit on the “royalty” meter.

Bringing civility to Chicago politics – the progressive liberal way

By Steve McGough | October 24, 2010 |

Let me make the point clear. By not walking out of this political rally – during his own introduction while he was on stage – Gov. Pat Quinn (D-Ill.) makes it clear he agrees with, or at least has no issue with, the statements made by state Sen. Rickey Hendon. This readers, is what Democrats…

Connecticut Republicans file complaint against Blumenthal campaign

By Jim Vicevich | October 23, 2010 |

Consider this a follow up to yesterday’s latest Blumenthal strategy post. As we told you, the Republicans have filed a complaint filed with the FEC. Not sure this is going anywhere, but it should.

Luntz Focus Group in Connecticut: At least she’s created jobs

By Jim Vicevich | October 22, 2010 |

Sure doesn’t sound like a 15 point lead to me. Frank Luntz brought his focus group to Connecticut last night to get Connecticans response to the McMahon/Blumy race. Frankly, I was a little shocked.