Obama tells Latinos “He’s not a king”. AP at Hotair: Nope, more like a Duke … coronation must wait. UPDATE: Video
The hubris might anger some but not me. I find it all very amusing. Knew slapping fun actually. Awesomely bombastic? He, let’s not go that far. Does Obama have a high opinion of himself? Sure … it’s just been dialed back a bit on the “royalty” meter.
The money line comes in a radio interview given to Eddie “Piolin” Sotelo in LA. Obama laments not being able to pass amnesty. It is just chock full of class warfare stuff like this via AP at Hotair.
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”
UPDATE: That audio became available yesterday afternoon, so I thought I would include it. From Fox News:
Big words from the uniter not divider, huh? Don’t sit out the election Hispanics, get out there and punish the enemy, which would be American citizens who lean conservative.
You can read the entire report from the LA Times here because it’s chock full of anti Republican, anti conservative stuff. But Jim Geraghty jumps on something that I find a bit more amusing and asks … “Has there ever been an American president who needed to clarify this point?” From the Campaign Spot:
“My cabinet has been working very hard on trying to get it done, but ultimately, I think somebody said the other day, I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with theexecutive branch to make it happen. I’m committed to making it happen, but I’ve gotta have some partners to do it,” Obama said.
There is really nothing I can add to this … well except the usual AP comment. Too funny.
Meanwhile, via Jim Geraghty, in the same interview a guy who once touted his election as the moment the rising of the oceans would slow took care to warn Latinos not to expect amnesty overnight since, after all, “I am not king.” Which is true: Having 60 seats in the Senate and a huge House majority evokes the power of some lesser nobility, like a duke. To be king, he’d need at least, say, 70 Senate seats. Is that what he’s asking for now in order to pass stuff?
Time I think to remind voters that he was indeed once considered … The Messiah!
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. From Messiah to … not even a King now? I think the big guy is being too hard on himself.

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All of this rhetorical BS; but you couldn't rely on Barry to fix a flush toilet! What's unfortunate is that Jim is dismissive of "Birthers"! I served almost 7 years in the US military doing federal law enforcement, had weapons qualifications. electronics training and top secret clearances with a SSN that does not exist! In my case it was a comedy of errors, but Barry may have been laughing all the way to the White House/ Honkey Crib! I can document my undocumented career- can Barry document his ascendancy to the throne?
Øbama has done the opposite of document: he has buried (now with the aid of the power of the White House) virtually any details about his life that he does not want known, and a complicit press makes sure it stays that way.
I think Tonto, in the old joke, put it best with "What this "we "****" your talking about, white man?"
Øbama has done the opposite of document: he has buried (now with the aid of the power of the White House) virtually any details about his life that he does not want known, and a complicit press makes sure it stays that way.
I think Tonto, in the old joke, put it best with "What this "we "****" you talking about, white man?"
"My cabinet has been working very hard on trying to get it done, but ultimately,I think somebody said the other day, I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself."
Sounds to me like "somebody" on his cabinet had to clarify it to him.
Uh, I'm actually surprised that he realizes that he has to work with congress to pass his royal declarations. And I think he may actually be throwing it out there, phrased as it is, because he must be very well aware of the democrat seats that will be lost after the election next Tuesday.
I find "Duke of Hurl" to be a catchy pet-name for the president.
OOOH! And going back to the video where he's going to slow the rise of the oceans?
"Prince of Tides"…
(I can do this all day, but will refrain)
I can hear the king say, "can you call me your royal highness" I worked hard for that title
Only a fool lets somebody else tell him who his enemy is. -Assata Shakur
"It's good to be the king". -Mel Brooks
…and this is the guy that won the Nobel Peace Prize???
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“Look down at me and you see a fool;
look up at me and you see a god;
look straight at me and you see yourself” Charles Manson