
Follow the money – graft is everywhere

By Steve McGough | September 25, 2008 |

It’s not just Democrats. It’s not just Republicans. It’s politicians from all over the country – elected to serve small towns, big cities and the United States – who have bought into the FDR New Deal philosophy of government hook, line and sinker. That era defines the beginning of government involvement in almost every aspect…

Ohio Democrats move to suppress votes – again

By Steve McGough | September 23, 2008 |

If you think voter suppression and fraud issues were limited to cities like Chicago and Seattle, you’re missing the bigger picture. It’s not just ACORN either. Jennifer Brunner, the Democrat secretary of state in Ohio, is targeting voters who received absentee ballot requests from the McCain campaign. So who’s the party that wants to suppress…

Zero tolerance alert: student wears wrong shirt

By Steve McGough | September 23, 2008 | Comments Off on Zero tolerance alert: student wears wrong shirt

Here we go again with another ZTA. A high school student in Dos Alos, California wore a shirt to school that the administration did not like. The assistant principal deemed that the shirt violated the dress code, falling into the category of promoting a specific race, culture or ethnicity. The shirt was tie-dyed red, white…

Concealment and the Second Amendment – Goldberg Update

By Steve McGough | September 22, 2008 | Comments Off on Concealment and the Second Amendment – Goldberg Update

Quick update concerning this post from February 1. You’ll remember that in June of 2007, James Goldberg, a Connecticut resident with a valid state pistol permit, was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of breach of peace at a restaurant in Glastonbury, Conn.

NRA release videos targeting Obama and liberals

By Steve McGough | September 22, 2008 | Comments Off on NRA release videos targeting Obama and liberals

I can’t watch the videos here at work, but it does not mean I can’t provide you a link! Update: Video and some brief analysis added to the post.

How Sarah Palin handled corruption – from American Thinker

By Steve McGough | September 22, 2008 | Comments Off on How Sarah Palin handled corruption – from American Thinker

I was just forwarded this e-mail, and did some digging to find out where it came from. It was not too hard, and it turns out this article was originally posted on American Thinker, one of our favorite blogs.

DOJ policy statement may preclude hacker prosecution

By Steve McGough | September 22, 2008 |

Some industry analysts think that the U.S. Department of Justice would pass on prosecuting the hacker who broke into Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! e-mail account. The reason is tied to a 2003 Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision that – get this – the DOJ doesn’t exactly agree with.

Biden won’t let Obama take his guns – or ours

By Steve McGough | September 20, 2008 |

My first thought when I heard about Biden’s statement concerning firearm ownership was – I’ll bet my last dollar he was not in San Fransisco, Seattle, Chicago or New York. No way. Biden stated, “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey.” Biden spoke at the United Mine Workers…

Hartford public schools welcome ACORN

By Steve McGough | September 19, 2008 |

In this today’s Hartford Courant, we learn about the ACORN’s visit Hartford Public. ACORN – the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – has been caught up in a bunch of voter registration scandals around the country and is as liberal as you can get. The money line from the Courant’s article? Keep reading…

Pelosi displays she is not a leader

By Steve McGough | September 17, 2008 |

Talk about throwing a hissy fit and showing zero leadership. According to Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), none of the current financial problems are the fault of Democrats. None. Is she kidding me? This is like the coach of the team loosing a game and saying that the offensive coaching staff had nothing to do with the…