
Rights guaranteed – responsibilities not required

By Steve McGough | October 28, 2008 | Comments Off on Rights guaranteed – responsibilities not required

How come liberals talk about rights that should be guaranteed, but not responsibilities required? I would think that if you are going to be guaranteed rights by the state, the state would set detailed responsibilities from those benefiting from those rights. This mornings post by Scott Johnson at Power Line – Obama’s Constitution – should…

Video – Thompson discusses an Obama administration

By Steve McGough | October 24, 2008 |

Good video. My post explaining the case against Obama is probably a bit long and this video is just over 12 minutes. Do you have the time for both? You should.

Updated: Testing McCain and Obama web sites – credit card fraud

By Steve McGough | October 24, 2008 |

After all of the activity concerning the Obama Web site and how it seems a bit “loose” in how it collects credit card donations, I’m taking one for the team and testing it myself. But instead of just testing Obama’s site, I’m testing the McCain site too. Note that neither of the sites ask for…

Congress wants your 401(k) tax breaks back

By Steve McGough | October 23, 2008 |

This is unbelievable. Since Congress has totally screwed up Social Security and refuse to do a damn thing about it, now they are looking for more cash to fund their out-of-control spending. Since we know we can not depend on Social Security for our retirement, many smart investors are depending on 401(k) accounts, IRAs and…

War on terror starts – 25 years ago today

By Steve McGough | October 23, 2008 |

As a reminder, the war on terror started 25 years ago today with the Beirut Marine base truck bombing on Oct. 23, 1983. 241 American servicemen died that day. Minutes after the Marine barracks was attacked, a second truck bomb hit the French compound, where 58 soldiers were killed.

NRA taking the lead on civil rights

By Steve McGough | October 22, 2008 |

At least I think so. The NRA has a new ad that takes on Obama’s record against an individuals right to protect themselves with a firearm.

Reagan didn’t need to be tested

By Steve McGough | October 22, 2008 |

After Biden’s comment about Obama being tested within the first six months if elected, I noted that the vice presidential candidate mentioned Kennedy – most likely referring to the Cuban missile Crisis – but didn’t mention other more recent presidents that were tested.

Affordable health care

By Steve McGough | October 22, 2008 | Comments Off on Affordable health care

Walter Williams has another great article this week. Kind of works well with my post on why we should not be electing Obama as president.

An appeal to Obama supporters

By Bruce | October 22, 2008 |

Now that we are at the eve of the presidential election, the magnitude of this moment looms large over us all. As a conservative I have watched in awe and horror at the scope of the liberal propaganda machine in this country. Obama’s $618 million fund raising, shadowy support from wealthy liberal donors, true-believers in…

The case against the Obama presidency (Part 2)

By Steve McGough | October 22, 2008 |

After reviewing Hot Air’s post written by Guy Benson, Mary Katharine Ham and Ed Morrissey, it became apparent more needed to be done. It is a good review, but there are many more reasons you should not vote for Obama Nov. 4. I called that post my shortest in history since I provided no analysis,…