
Perez signs sanctuary city ordinance

By Steve McGough | August 18, 2008 |

Eddie Perez, mayor of Hartford, Conn., has just signed the city ordinance mentioned here and here. No replies to my e-mails, and The Hartford Courant continues to ignore the issue; comments are turned off for today’s story. Hartford is on it’s way to becoming a sanctuary city for sure.

Commuters to get state sponsored traffic information

By Steve McGough | August 18, 2008 |

Unbelievable waste of cash. I just turned on WVIT – the local NBC affiliate – and they reported Connecticut was planning to introduce the state-wide 511 system that I mentioned back in February. It appears that the state government – at a cost of $3 million – thinks that they can provide better traffic information…

Obama and McCain answer the question – does evil exist?

By Steve McGough | August 18, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama and McCain answer the question – does evil exist?

On July 16, I asked someone – anyone – to ask Obama one question. Does evil exist? It took about one month, but Rick Warren – during his Faith Forum Saturday night – asked both Obama and McCain the question. It’s a valid question and one that many liberals try to weasel out of. Of…

New York Times fails math and basic tax collecting courses

By Steve McGough | August 14, 2008 | Comments Off on New York Times fails math and basic tax collecting courses

On Tuesday, I saw a headline at the New York Times Web site, Study tallies corporations not paying income tax. This type of story is right up our ally since our readers know that corporations don’t pay taxes; people do. I didn’t get to research the story on Tuesday, but Power Line just provided a…

Los Angeles really goes over deep end – demands office space for day laborers

By Steve McGough | August 14, 2008 |

Imagine this. You own a business on a street where a illegal aliens tend to congregate. Illegal aliens – and probably some U.S. citizens – hang out there in hopes of someone driving by and offering them a few hours of work. These gathering places have developed from coast to coast. Since many of these…

The liberal education syndicate

By Steve McGough | August 14, 2008 |

I’m using syndicate to imply a negative connotation. Here at Conservative247 we try our best to pass along information that is educational. Generally, it’s no holds barred when it comes to providing lessons about what defines conservative concepts here in the United States. If you have not added Walter E. Williams to your reading list,…

Update: Hartford city council approves sanctuary city ordinance

By Steve McGough | August 13, 2008 |

The open borders advocates – who not only welcome illegal aliens but encourage them to steal public services – have almost won another battle. The Hartford City Council passed an ordinance last night – written about last month here at Conservative247 – that bars the Hartford Police Department from inquiring about immigration status. I say…

Following moral compass critical for leadership

By Steve McGough | August 8, 2008 |

John Edwards – former senator, vice presidential, and presidential candidate – has been caught like a deer in the headlights. He’s admitted to having an affair for a short period in 2006 with Rielle Hunter after saying no, no, no for awhile now. Listening to reporters this evening on Fox News, the sentiment was pretty…

Obama says drill – but knows Sierra Club will fight

By Steve McGough | August 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama says drill – but knows Sierra Club will fight

Powerline has a nice wrap-up concerning Obama’s two-faced approach to drilling for more oil and natural gas here in the States. Even though he’s now preaching that we should consider drilling offshore and open more leases in Alaska – not ANWAR – he knows that environmentalists will go to court to block every move to…

Democrats, Obama send mixed message on energy policy

By Steve McGough | August 4, 2008 | Comments Off on Democrats, Obama send mixed message on energy policy

I have no idea where this ship is heading. Obama does not want to drill offshore, but is now willing to drill offshore. He did not want to tap into the strategic petroleum reserves, and now he does. Haven’t the Democrats been saying that we can’t drill out of this problem? Didn’t they say that…