
The case against an Obama presidency

By Steve McGough | October 21, 2008 |

This will be one of my shortest posts in history. Just grab a beverage of your choice, sit down and head over to Hot Air to view the post by By Guy Benson (, Mary Katharine Ham ( and edited by Ed Morrissey.

Dodd still keeping his mouth shut

By Steve McGough | October 17, 2008 |

Did he think we would forget? Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) got a break on his two mortgages and people were pretty wound up about it. Since he’s the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee people have a right to be wound up. First he said that the details about his deal with Countrywide would be…

If you can’t argue the facts – attack the messenger

By Steve McGough | October 16, 2008 |

About this Joe the Plumber stuff. Obama wants Joe to buy the business and be successful, then he wants to tax Joe some more money because he’s been successful to spread the wealth around. Joe thinks this sounds pretty much like socialism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That’s…

How to make a safe school bus

By Steve McGough | October 15, 2008 | Comments Off on How to make a safe school bus

The federal government will release new rules today requiring seat belts for smaller school buses and higher seat backs for larger buses. What it comes down to is the government regulations requiring belts in every bus would cost $100 million annually and save one life per year. School buses are safe. Can they be made…

Battleground poll – majority consider themselves conservative

By Steve McGough | October 13, 2008 |

Conservatives are the majority. Some may consider us the silent majority since we tend to keep our mouths shut, but again, the most recent Battleground Poll shows our numbers near 60 percent. Liberals and socialists frequently call us racist bigots, warmongers, capitalist pigs and downright mean but maybe it’s time politicians start standing up for…

Conservative fiscal responsibility – RIP

By Steve McGough | October 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Conservative fiscal responsibility – RIP

I’m not a McCain fan, but I’m pulling the lever for him in about four weeks for a few reasons that I’ve mentioned here at Conservative247. But when the Republican candidate spouts off that he wants to use $300 billion in federal tax dollars to go out an buy homes we’ve got a problem. What’s…

McCain finally slams Obama on Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

By Steve McGough | October 6, 2008 |

When you see this post, immediately send it to everyone in your e-mail list. I’m not a big McCain fan, but certainly you’re going to find me voting for the most conservative of the bunch – who is able to win – in four weeks. Today in New Mexico, McCain brought up the fact that…

Paid too much for your house? O’Biden’s gotcha covered

By Steve McGough | October 3, 2008 |

There is a bunch of debate analysis available on the Web, but there is one answer that I wanted to review this morning. The question concerned the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, which set specific standards concerning the ability to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. O’Binden wants to allow courts to…

Bailout legislation impossible to read

By Steve McGough | October 1, 2008 | Comments Off on Bailout legislation impossible to read

I don’t have a law degree. I don’t have 12 hours to read the full text of the bailout bill that the Senate is debating right now. The average person should be able to read this crap – or at least use the Ctrl+f key to do a keyword search in the damn thing.

Private contractors build bridge faster and better than government

By Steve McGough | October 1, 2008 | Comments Off on Private contractors build bridge faster and better than government

Wow. The private sector kicks ass again. After the bridge tragedy in Minneapolis along I-35 west, many thought it would take two or three years to rebuild the St. Anthony Bridge. The destroyed bridge – which took 13 lives – was a very important part of the Minneapolis roadway infrastructure; and the governor knew that…