
IRS corruption: New Lerner emails and a scandal overview

By Steve McGough | September 13, 2013 |

The IRS is supposed to simply implement the tax law as written and of course investigate while enforcing the tax code. Similar to law enforcement activity, the IRS can’t just change the ‘probable cause’ rules of investigation on a case-by-case basis. The IRS – at the highest level – outright targeted TEA Party groups because…

North Korea update: Cuba send military jets and missiles, small arms not banned

By Steve McGough | August 30, 2013 |

The United Nations supposedly has strict sanctions on the North Korean communist state. This week, we learn that Cuba violated those sanctions by hiding two Mig-21 fighter jets, missiles and anti-aircraft systems under sacks of sugar in a cargo ship and tried to send them to Kim Jong Un. The ship made it to Panama…

Reynolds – Privileges granted to public servants must end

By Steve McGough | August 28, 2013 |

In an opinion piece posted at USA Today, Glenn Reynolds successfully argues for fairness and equality. Politicians and government employees – even retired employees – across the United States are exempted from some laws, or are granted special privileges not afforded the common man.

Athletic shoes for the military – Connecticut company pushes to get contract

By Steve McGough | August 28, 2013 |

I found this story in The Hartford Courant and thought it might be worthy of discussion. In short, a 1941 federal law requires most military clothing be made using domestic materials by domestic suppliers, but for some time now running shoes have been exempt from the law for the simple fact there are few domestic…

Say what, Mr. President?

By SoundOffSister | August 20, 2013 |

Today, the President honored the undefeated 1972 football Dolphins in the White House.

Mark Levin: “The Liberty Amendments”

By Steve McGough | August 18, 2013 |

I’ve barely gotten through the first 20 pages of Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments, and I’ve confirmed again that Mark and I are on the same wavelength. Hopefully I’ll have time to read a bit this week and get through the book. Heck, I’ll make time … will you?

Obama – “Health insurance … is your right”

By Steve McGough | August 18, 2013 |

No, it is not. A [human] right is one that exists simultaneously between people. In no way, may one of your “rights” diminish the rights of another person. Let me explain the brutal circle here.

Justice department to ignore mandatory minimum sentences for some drug offenders

By Steve McGough | August 12, 2013 |

Actually, the plan would direct U.S. attorneys to change guidelines as to when they would charge individuals of certain drug crimes the Obama administration thinks are racist, and/or have unreasonable mandatory minimum sentences. The proposal would unilaterally raise the bar as to what offenses would result in federal charges. Silly me, I thought the Legislative…

Obamacare: the arrogance of the elite

By SoundOffSister | August 5, 2013 |

Steve posted a short piece about this today, and I would like to expand upon it.  Let me begin with the words of Dr. Donald Berwick, the President’s original pick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Phony scandals and the middle class

By SoundOffSister | July 27, 2013 |

Fortunately, thanks to several speeches given by the President this week, we now know that Benghazi, the Department of Justice’s targeting of journalists, the IRS’s targeting of certain groups seeking tax exempt status, and NSA’s interception (and storage) of certain information about our daily communications, are all phony scandals.