GOP House Oversight Committee mortgage crisis review

Who says the Republicans in Congress are not doing anything? Even though you could call it old news, members of the GOP House Oversight Committee put together a report in review of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac diabolical. So why is this important? As Michelle Malkin reminds us, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) wants to…

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The health care debate – 75 years strong

The current debate on United States government involvement in health care has been going on for more than 75 years and quite honestly, we’ve gotten nowhere. Sure, plenty of legislation has been passed, new departments and program created and billions have been spent, but what has been the result?

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The great global warming hoax (with pictures)

Warning! Danger! The evidence continues to pile up and hopefully its not too late. Earth is … cooling. The polar bears are safe … but not so much the tourist industry on Cape Cod. We need to stop these idiots before a: they send us into another ice age, b: tax us into oblivion, c:…

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Obamacare…the dark side

I have written several posts on the provisions of the Affordable Health Choices Act being pushed by Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.), some informative, some laughable, but, this concept is deadly.  It is referred to as the “medical home model”, and, although only mentioned twice in the act (section 2707, and section 212), we can be assured that it is…

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I never met a tax cut that created a job

Is it that they are really this stupid in Congress, or is that they think we are? No, he said it, and this is why the Democrats will never get it. Maybe it’s because most of them are lawyers. Maybe none of them ever took a class in economics. Maybe … I’ve run out of…

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Gretta defends Palin … spanks Fox News Anchor

Like many others, Friday afternoon I was glued to, well in my case, my radio, as I drove to the Cape for a July 4th celebration, when I heard this exchange between Fox New anchor Greg Jarrett and Gretta Van Susteren. The fireworks get started when Jarrett touches the third rail for women … work…

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$hady Land of Dodd

With the exception of one or two articles, and two columnists who know the true meaning of journalism … Dodd has been pretty much flying under the public media radar … until today? The New York Post has begun to dig and that can’t help the Senior Senator … and what they find is Dodd…

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