Articles posted by
Erik Blazynski
This is a great piece of legislation from our friends in South Dakota. Click here for the full article. Five South Dakota lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require any adult 21 or older to buy a firearm “sufficient to provide for their ordinary self-defense.” Obviously this is not going to (or even meant to)…
Funny because it is true.
Graphical representation of job losses since Jan 2007
The charges of racism by Obama supporters are nothing more than manipulation tactics. Learn how to immune yourself.
Unions have a lot to gain by the passage of a health-care bill.
Is seems that Obama’s selections are complete frauds!
Cap and Trade is a complete scam. Designed to cap growth in the US economy.
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson testifies before the United States Senate committee regarding the proposed energy bill
Finally someone calls out the Obama administration on the phony baloney town hall meetings with the specially selected participants, and the propaganda press conferences where the questions are scripted.