
Chris Matthews tells Connecticut: I wouldn’t vote for Blumenthal

By Jim Vicevich | May 28, 2010 |

Hey, this is from the Democrats, democrat. The conversation starts over the latest Q poll and Matthews wonders why people in Connecticut support a “lier”. Matthews doesn’t buy the apology and can’t quite figure out why the polls show him with such a big lead. Me too.

Federal government now must “save” local education

By Steve McGough | May 24, 2010 |

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is asking Congress to put politics and ideology aside – for the good of the children – and come up with $23 billion to save education in America. What did you really expect would happen? The $100 billion in stimulus funding was just the tip of the iceberg.

Dumbocrats Endorse Blumenlier

By Jim Vicevich | May 21, 2010 |

No surprise here I guess. The Democrats look past the character flaws of their chosen candidate and endorse the man with a glass jaw.

Blumenthal: No apology and “Don’t impugn my service”. UPDATE: “Unaware” – Video

By Jim Vicevich | May 18, 2010 |

Actually, I think its just the opposite. It is he, I think, who impugns the service of other Vietnam veterans. But it is the classic case of smoke and mirrors and setting up the straw man. Oh, and get ready you vets for the second video here. Prepare to blow a lid or two. When…

VIDEO: Blumenthal waxes poetically about his Vietnam Service

By Jim Vicevich | May 18, 2010 |

Great little piece of video. Richard Blumenthal clearly states he served in Vietnam. The money line comes at 40 seconds in. The video is dated March of 2008.

Dumbocrats already looking for a new Connecticut Senate candidate?

By Jim Vicevich | May 18, 2010 |

The Connecticut Dumbocrats reportedly are not taking any chances and are already lining up a replacement for CT AG Richard Blumenthal. And why not? It’s what they do best. Let’s see. Their first choice couldn’t remember the truth … and their second choice stretched the truth. Now, reportedly,  their third choice is the very man…

Some unique campaign promises

By SoundOffSister | May 16, 2010 |

The approval rating of Congress seems to be at or near an all time low.  Americans are disgusted with the policies, the procedures and the apparent aloofness displayed by our elected officials on a daily basis.

Attorney General Admits …. he hasn’t read the Arizona illegal immigration bill

By SoundOffSister | May 13, 2010 |

I am not one prone to rant, but this conduct on the part of this administration is so outrageous that, well, I am going to rant.

Symptom of the Disease: GOP and Democrats spend big money on lavish events

By Steve McGough | April 21, 2010 | Comments Off on Symptom of the Disease: GOP and Democrats spend big money on lavish events

Limos. Caviar. Chartered jets. Private parties. Drinks. Entertainment. The reason both Republicans and Democrats spend millions of dollars each year is directly tied to the billions of dollars flowing from the federal government to union gigs and special interest groups.

Obama’s education secretary Duncan may have manipulated student enrollment in Chicago

By Steve McGough | March 23, 2010 |

Arne Duncan – when heading the Chicago public school system – may have placed students in the school of their parents choice after taking calls from powerful business owners and political elites, including congressmen and senators. This special “appeal” process was unknown to the general public.