
Passed on to Congress: Syria war documentary

By Steve McGough | June 17, 2013 |

Here is the documentary preview video that is being passed on to leaders in Congress concerning the current conflict in Syria. The documentary started showing earlier this month, and you can find more about it here.

Fathers’ Day – Bob Englehart cartoon

By Steve McGough | June 17, 2013 |

From Bob Englehart at The Hartford Courant.

I can’t believe we made it (video)

By Steve McGough | June 14, 2013 |

Jim sent me a text a few minutes ago asking me to post this video. Then my brother texted me about a minute later … “Come on Steve… get that video up for Jim.”  Now the phone is ringing…

Sailor survives two days inside sunken ship 100 feet deep

By Steve McGough | June 1, 2013 |

For your weekend “I survived” post… Six days ago a tugboat in operation about 15 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria capsized and sank. A cook on the vessel went down with the ship to 100 feet and survived down there two days before he was rescued.

More problems for Obamacare

By SoundOffSister | April 23, 2013 |

Yet another snafu has cropped up in implementing Obamacare. It seems that the Secretary of Health and Human Services “unexpectedly” has run out of Obamacare money needed to implement the insurance exchanges.

Terror in Boston (Updates)

By SoundOffSister | April 15, 2013 |

This afternoon, two bombs exploded on Boylston Street near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. What we know now is that two people were killed and twenty three people are injured.

For John Kerry: At what point does North Korea become a nuclear power?

By Steve McGough | April 12, 2013 |

Secretary of State John Kerry touched down in South Korea earlier today to renew support for South Korea and regional allies as North Korea gets more desperate for food and cash. The boisterous rhetoric from the North is pretty much out-of-control. That said, Kerry – and maybe many others – can’t seem to agree if North Korea…

Energy subsidies

By SoundOffSister | March 28, 2013 |

Not only is this country going broke, but most of Europe is going broke as well.  In this country, strangely, our President bemoans the effects of the sequester, while, at the same time, continues to support massive transfers of your wealth to all sorts of energy subsidies.  Someone is now questioning that.

The media and the new pope: a study in contrasts, or a study in hypocrisy?

By Dimsdale | March 21, 2013 |

After the media’s breathless run up to the election of Pope Francis, it seems that they taken upon themselves the task of scrutinizing his past.  They are examining everything from his childhood, his education, his role in resisting the Argentinian military dictatorship’s “Dirty War” back in the late seventies through early eighties.  One story from the…

Successful students? You don’t deserve to be recognized

By Steve McGough | March 21, 2013 |

At least that’s how I’m reading this. Our collective sensitivities are now so fragile we are unable to recognize high-achieving employees, students or volunteers  because the people who are not recognized may feel devastated? I know this has been going on for awhile, but come on now…