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After the media’s breathless run up to the election of Pope Francis, it seems that they taken upon themselves the task of scrutinizing his past. They are examining everything from his childhood, his education, his role in resisting the Argentinian military dictatorship’s “Dirty War” back in the late seventies through early eighties. One story from the…
All this renewed talk about gun control in the wake of the Newtown murders made me realize: the liberals just don’t trust you do to much of anything on your own. Consider, if you will, a few of the liberties the left has tried to, is trying, or has, wrested from you: School choice and/or…
What can I add to this? It appears that the Fluke controversy has extrapolated to sheer insanity. Tuition subsidized insanity. “The Brown Student Health Insurance Plan will cover 14 different sexual reassignment surgery procedures for students starting August, reports the Brown Daily Herald student newspaper.” reports the College Fix. “For female-to-male surgeries, the new coverage…
Inconvenient facts: what is the real difference in violent crime between the U.S. and Great Britain?
Piers Morgan has been peddling his mantra of the U.S. being the “wild west” in terms of gun violence, and continues to make the point that the U.S. has a relatively high number of gun related deaths compared to Great Britain (GB). In literal numbers, yes, the U.S., with its Second Amendment, and roughly six…
We all are coming to realize that the Øbama regime displayed remarkable stupidity in the way they covered up the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three others in Benghazi. Clearly, despite Øbama’s false outrage at debate #2, the coverup was clearly political, designed to keep the story suppressed and the blame off of Øbama prior…
I watched this clip of Mitchell vs. Sununu in a post debate interview on “Andrea Mitchell Reports” and was laughing out loud at the way Sununu figuratively (a good word for Biden to add to his 500 word vocabulary) beat her over the head with every one of her Democrat talking point based questions. It…
I came across this clip in another site, and was struck by the tone/purpose of Andrea Mitchell in her questions/statements about Romney’s secretly recorded speech to donors to John Sununu, Romney’s senior adviser to the campaign. I don’t have a problem with what Romney said in the now “infamous” secret tape (except for Mother Jones’…
Our old “friend” Stephanie Cutter, Øbama deputy campaign manager, in yet another Romney attack, cited “a strongly worded anti-Mitt Romney editorial” from the official state news agency (read it: propaganda wing) of the Chinese Communist Party, Xinhua. (UPDATE: Joe Biden also cites this Chinese article to attack Romney.) I know what you are thinking. Yes,…
I think the title says it all. Drudge posted a well substantiated story (and here) about the backdrop images used to “honor” our veterans on the last night of the Democratic convention. It was an image of four Russian Federation ships that are part of their Black Sea Fleet. It also contained seven American F-5 trainer…
It is has been suggested that Elizabeth Warren, currently running against Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy’s old senate seat in MA, used her self proclaimed minority status to “earn” her position at Harvard after coming from a sub Ivy institution, and having been accused of academic dishonesty. Harvard denied, and continues to deny, that race played…