
Did he bow? Powerline has final word

By Jim Vicevich | April 10, 2009 |

OK, uncle. I will address the bow. Sort of. But why reinvent the wheel when John at Powerline says it all.

Obama promise expires – Iraq and Afghanistan supplemental spending continues

By Steve McGough | April 9, 2009 |

Today, President Obama asked Congress for an additional $85 billion in supplemental funding for military and diplomatic efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. On Feb. 24, Obama stated that military spending would no longer be “hidden” within supplemental bills, it would be included in the regular budget request. Of course, the spending was never really “hidden”…

Update-Rove “Biden Serial Exaggerator” – Another Joe Biden bedtime story?

By Jim Vicevich | April 9, 2009 |

He finally comes out of hiding and the Vice Gaffamatic is at it again.

Connecticut universities get go-ahead from Obama to increase tuition

By Steve McGough | April 9, 2009 |

Of course, the tuition hike could have been much worse, but since University officials worked really hard to keep the increase from ballooning 15 percent or more, you’re only going to have to shell out an additional 5.5 percent.

You asked for it! Barney Frank vs Joel Pollack

By Jim Vicevich | April 8, 2009 |

Ok, OK … I have had enough. Here it is! Plus, Joel Pollack’s interview with Gretta Van Susteren last night. As I said two days ago, what is so admirable about this is the way, despite the ridicule from a sitting US Congressman, who by the way works for Mr Pollack, he continued to ask his question…

Department of Education school choice study supressed

By Steve McGough | April 7, 2009 |

Charter schools are working, vouchers are working, but teacher unions and the National Education Association helped President Obama get into the Executive Branch, so funding for programs that work is being diverted to programs – public schools – that don’t work. Hat top to Malkin for reminding me about this Wall Street Journal piece from…

Congressman Larson explains a few things

By Erik Blazynski | April 6, 2009 |

First District Congressman John Larson tries to explain a couple of things.

Are You Threatening Us, Mr. President?

By SoundOffSister | April 5, 2009 |

Although it is doubtful that anyone in the room had the courage to ask that question, it would appear that had they, the answer would have been, “yes”.  The story is beginning to emerge from the recent meeting between Obama, and the CEO’s of the banks receiving TARP money.  Initially described by all as “cordial”,…

Obama: Seeking Greater Moral Authority with … Iran?

By Jim Vicevich | April 3, 2009 |

Because you can never increase your moral standing too high when you are trying to deal with a megalomaniacal, holocaust denying, homosexual jailing, Israel annihilating leader. Thus, says the one, let’s start disarming because then we’ll have firmer ground to stand on when we deal with Ahmadinejad.  Oh and make special note, he would like to be known…

Obama Channels George W Bush

By Jim Vicevich | April 3, 2009 |

Oh the left will not like this speech. It’s Obama at this morning’s town hall meeting in Strasbourg, France (I know, sounds silly, but true). Standing before the youth of France and Germany, Obama tried to make the case for the “surge” in Afghanistan. Hey, come on, it’s a surge.