Andree McLeod: Palin’s personal stalker

What else can you call a self-described ethics diva that continues to harass Gov. Sarah Palin with bogus ethics charges? A filed complaint that is tossed out of court is one thing, but Andree McLeod has filed four complaints – three of which have been tossed out – and has filed complaint four and five.

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CBO takes a stab at calculating the cost of federal health care

Two stories just caught my eye within the last hour or so. First of all, the Congressional Budget Office sent a 14 page report to Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) with a wrap-up review of America’s Affordable (hah!) Health Choices Act. Second, Reuters is reporting there will be a 5.4 percent surtax on millionaires to help…

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Symptom of the Disease: Federal funding of abortion (5)

Back in April during budget votes, Senate Democrats and a few Republicans got together to block an amendment to the main budget bill to ensure health care providers would not be forced to abort babies and violate their moral and religious convictions. What do you think about taxpayer funded abortion in upcoming health care legislation?

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Obama’s Slight Of Hand ….

… or pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, or which shell is the marble under, or … well you name the game. I have been ranting for weeks now about the young President’s ability to convince people that he never said what he said (“Most of the jobs created will be in…

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When Joe Biden speaks… Update: Obama says stimulus doing fine

well, perhaps, he should have an official White House teleprompter of his own. Remember Vice President Biden’s comments earlier this year about the swine flu?  He said, and, I suspect very honestly, that he would not let his family travel by plane given the prospect that they might catch the flu.  Within moments, the White House…

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