The elephant in the room… tort reform

Our president explains that one of the problems with our current health care system, which he intends to correct with Obamacare, is “unnecessary testing”. He believes, and, I suspect many do, that these “unnecessary tests” simply drive up the cost of health care, and have no real benefit to anyone other than the folks who administer…

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Analysis: Distribution of stimulus funds to states

On Sunday, Fox News reporter John Lott actually did some analysis on the distribution of federal stimulus funds to all 50 states and found states hit hardest by the recession have received the least amount of stimulus cash. It’s not a sexy story since it includes scatter plots and trend lines, but it’s worth a…

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Goldman Sachs to US: Recession? What Recession?

Or as Terry Keenan puts it, “”What’s bad for America is good for Goldman.” I read this yesterday and I thought it was well worth bringing your attention to it. Terry Keenan, a host on Fox Business has a facinating article on how Goldman Sachs, one of the few investment bankers to not only survive…

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The $5 million per second health care “debate”

When the Senate Health Committee on Wednesday passed its version of Obamacare, the President, with Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.) standing at his side, applauded the committee’s effort.  Our President explained that the committee had “engaged” in 50 hours of debate before passing the bill.  All in attendance at this press conference were beaming with joy, and, of course, applauding.…

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Teaching Old People to Die Quietly – Update 2

Of course this had to be in the Health Care Bill. This one is in the House version, so we can’t pin this on the Dodd plan. But once again Betsy McCaughey is on top of the health care legislation. One troubling provision of the House bill compels seniors to submit to a counseling session…

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Will Congress take the health care pledge?

We already know from President Obama’s recent infomercial on health care that he wouldn’t dare subject himself or his family to the government health care “option” he is pushing.  But, what about Congress? All versions of the health care legislation currently floating around Capitol Hill specifically exempt members of Congress from any requirement to participate.  Any…

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Massachusetts health care experiment not working out

I’ve recently written about how the states – per the Constitution – can be great incubators of ideas. Instead of implementing programs like universal health care at the federal level where it could never be reversed, states can try stuff and other states can measure results. So, how is Massachusetts doing with its health care…

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And the rich get richer … Washington style

This article went pretty much unnoticed a couple days ago, but I noticed. There’s a move in DC by some courageous members of Congress to close a loophole in the law that my guess has helped line the pockets of our “public servants” for decades … While federal laws aim to restrict insider trading in…

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