The Supreme Court and climate change

On Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of American Electric Power v. Connecticut. It is too bad that the Court’s proceedings aren’t televised as the debate here should be lively. First, you need to know the background.

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More creative advertising from the global warming crowd

You’re not going to see this in the main stream press, and you probably won’t even see it in any magazine you pick up. Rather, this seems to be from a 2009 exhibition where a bunch of advertising and “creative” types get together to honor themselves for producing great social and environmental ads.

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Green energy: Make it so

Speaking of “global warming”, an  interesting article caught my eye recently. It seems that Arizona has mandated that 15% of it’s electricity must come from green energy by 2025.  Given that Arizona is mostly a desert with lots of sun, you would think that this would be an ideal spot for vast solar energy farms.  Well,…

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Weather is not climate change

I lifted the title of this post directly from Roger Pielke Jr.s blog. I thought it was a good statement and his short post is even better. The sub-title … Correlation should make you curious not convinced. Again, lifted from a comment at his post.

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