More creative advertising from the global warming crowd
You’re not going to see this in the main stream press, and you probably won’t even see it in any magazine you pick up. Rather, this seems to be from a 2009 exhibition where a bunch of advertising and “creative” types get together to honor themselves for producing great social and environmental ads.
Patting themselves on the back for living on the edge they are. Concerning the global warming activists for who this piece was made, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air points out…
It’s a good way to avoid acknowledging that the AGW hysterics still haven’t built a single successful predictive model proving their assertions about future weather systems, still haven’t addressed the serious data gaps in their studies, still have Rajendra Pachauri at the head of the IPCC despite the serial scandals regarding their academic standards of inclusion in the report, and in general having offered little but apocalyptic posturing. Putting a noose around a little girl on an ice cube is all they really have.
The ad was created for ACT Responsible by a French firm Ayrine Creative Concepts Office. ACT stands for Advertising Community Together. Here is a link to the full poster created by Ayrine.
For bonus points, head over to the ACT Responsible website and check out the ad submitted by another French firm for the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). It’s in the rotating banner on the home page, you may need to wait a few seconds. Maybe I just don’t get European advertising?
I may not be the first to ask this question, but you’ve got to wonder. How edgy would this creative global warming hysteria piece be if it was a little black girl?

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Just when you thought that liberal disrespect for the child was limited to a fetus in the womb. Now we use them as innocent cannon fodder in the perpetuation of a political ideology. I wonder how many crazies will find this sort of imagery to be inspirational?
I find this new theme of death to children to be rather revealing (in an alarming way) about liberals.
Maybe next, they could employ a British commentator with "CO2" on her shirt to smother a child with a greenhouse gas pillow. I know just the person for that.
Was Roman Polanski one of the artistic judges who awarded this prize?
I can sum up my reaction to that ad with three letters … WTF? (And you thought I was going to say, "jobs.")
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