
Michael Walsh points out another disturbing Costas comment on gun control

By Steve McGough | December 4, 2012 |

Our friend Michael Walsh pointed out another issue with Bob Costas’ opinion on gun control. In short, Costas doesn’t know jack about firearms.

Obama’s “Arab Spring reformist” in Egypt leaves palace while 10,000 protest

By Steve McGough | December 4, 2012 |

“Egypt is free!” Not so much I guess. In February 2011 I wrote about the so-called Arab Spring in Egypt after then-President Hosni Mubarak resigned from office and the demonstrators partied in the street. The demonstrators are back…

Quick response to ER physician who referred to the “5-times more likely” to be shot study

By Steve McGough | December 3, 2012 |

The ER physician who called into the big radio show today during the last half of the first hour referred to a “study” that showed you were five times more likely to be killed by a firearm if you owned one or had one in the home.

Murder-suicides do have something in common – it’s not firearms

By Steve McGough | December 3, 2012 |

Do you think America is ready for “the discussion?” No, I’m not talking about dissolving the 2nd Amendment to take handguns away from private citizens. It’s time we have an honest discussion on how we identify and treat mental illness.

Obama political machine not interested in the “men” or “white” constituency groups

By Steve McGough | November 21, 2012 |

The Obama administration’s political wing is moving into intelligence gathering mode since they don’t have to worry about a campaign in the future. I guess they are trying to collect information for future use. But they don’t seem interested in hearing from the “white” or “men” constituency groups.

Juan Williams: Israel must not hurt Hamas too bad

By Steve McGough | November 21, 2012 |

I’m having trouble with the “proportional response” doctrine, and Juan Williams “scoring” the war at 130+ Hamas dead verses five Israeli dead is not helping. If a group of 100 terrorists or crack-heads tried to invade a well-armed gated community here in the United States and they were all killed by residents who suffered one…

Pakistan finally drops charges against 11 year-old Christian girl

By Steve McGough | November 20, 2012 |

I previously wrote about this story back on Aug. 20 and Sept. 2. After being arrested for blasphemy and threatened with death based on the hearsay of a Christian-hating Muslim iman, an 11 year-old girl has been released and the charges dropped.

Jihad talk in the USA – At what point to you arrest them?

By Steve McGough | November 20, 2012 |

How about a discussion on freedom of speech and yelling “FIRE” in a crowded movie theater? Four Islamic-fundamentalist-terrorist wanabees were arrested by the FBI in Southern California after they expressed a desire to go to an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan and learn how to use C4 to blow up an entire military base.

Journalists should immediately extricate themselves from Gaza

By Steve McGough | November 20, 2012 |

The leader of the Hamas militant training programs in Gaza has been driving around in a civilian vehicle with “TV” imprinted on the hood. The dirty trick – making things even more dangerous for real journalists – didn’t work, and Israel targeted the goon anyway.

Denmark axes “fat tax”

By SoundOffSister | November 18, 2012 |

About a year ago Denmark enacted a tax on “fatty foods”, allegedly in response to the growing number of obese Danes.  Here is how the tax worked.