
Calling out WTIC’s John Rowland on a 30-round magazine ban

By Steve McGough | January 9, 2013 |

The title of this post may sound a bit harsh, but I don’t mean it to be. I’m trying to ensure this post gets noticed and might result in a written response from the former Connecticut governor concerning his opinion on 30-round, and other high-capacity magazines for rifles and pistols.

Taxes increase “unexpected” for middle and lower class

By Steve McGough | January 7, 2013 |

Surprise! Really, it’s not a surprise at all. The low-information voters out there had heard from President Obama that taxes would only increase for the top 2 percent, but he only told a half-truth. and barely at that.

Teens laugh, joke about rape of 16-year old girl on video

By Steve McGough | January 4, 2013 |

I’m pretty certain conversations and displays of outright stupidity occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, but now we’ve got instant video publishing allowing Internet browsers the ability to hear and see pretty disturbing stuff. A video has surfaced of a high school teen and friends discussing the ongoing (or recent) rape of a 16-year old…

California teen drugs parents to gain access to Internet

By Steve McGough | January 4, 2013 |

A 16-year old from Rocklin, Calif. was unhappy she was unable to access the Internet after 10 p.m. She took matters into her own hands and – with the help of a friend – drugged both of her parents so she could turn the service back on and surf the net.

Mayor Bloomberg’s gun control stupidity on full display

By Steve McGough | January 2, 2013 |

I was traveling when this ABC interview was done with New York Cities Mayor Michael Bloomberg. It’s completely full of fail for the gun control mayor. I’ve referred to his “stupidity” in the headline, but I’m more likely to think he knows exactly what he’s talking about and he’s speaking to the low-information crowd who…

RVO Number One post for 2012

By Steve McGough | January 1, 2013 |

And the number one post for 2012 is…

Senate’s Fiscal Cliff bill text

By Steve McGough | January 1, 2013 |

Click here for the full text of the Senate’s fiscal cliff non-solution.

The ongoing national discussion about gun control

By Steve McGough | December 31, 2012 |

I find it ironic President Obama and Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) have suggested a national discussion on gun control since we’ve been having one since before I was born. The gun control discussion is not taboo – like mental health issues – rather it’s been completely out in the open for years. During the two…

The “fiscal cliff” and the art of negotiation

By SoundOffSister | December 22, 2012 |

The “fiscal cliff”, a phrase that I believe was coined by Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, is rapidly approaching.  Most American’s probably have no idea what it is, but, they view it with fear and trepidation because the main stream media tells them to do so. 

Yet another task force

By SoundOffSister | December 19, 2012 |

In the wake of the horrific slaughter of innocent people in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama has appointed Vice President Biden to study what can be done to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again.