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By now you are probably familiar with Representative Alan Grayson (D. Fl.). He is the person who, among other oddities, and, in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary, continues to proclaim that 45,000 people die every year because they lack health insurance. And the same fellow that filed a complaint with the Attorney General demanding fines…
Everyone in the country knows of freshman Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.). He called a lobbyist “a K Street whore”, and who proclaimed Dick Chaney should STFU. Grayson also continues to tell us “45,000 people die each year” because they lack insurance, despite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
After keeping a fairly low profile for a few months, Congressman Alan Grayson (D. Fl.) is at it again. Remember Grayson? If you are lucky, you don’t, but, let me ruin your day and remind you.
What can I say. I just had to post this video just so you know what they are saying on the left. If you live on the left, skip the following facts and go right to the slobbering love fest between these two middle school punks. Grayson you will recall who, in a space of…
Any sane person will be delighted to learn that Alan Grayson (D. Fl.) will not be returning to Washington D.C. come January. Although it’s not “official” yet, Daniel Webster (R.) appears to have won Florida’s 8th Congressional District. The loud sound you hear in the background is Grayson’s imploding ego. To paraphrase, for the first…
Even though he was defeated in his bid for re-election to Congress last November, yesterday, Alan Grayson “threw his hat in the ring” for the November, 2012 election.
This, in one post, will show you why this outlier will not win and how the Democrats today speak out of both sides of their mouths. In Connecticut they continually whack Linda McMahon for running a “dirty campaign”. Negative, they call it. And yet on Sunday the Democrat party tells the NY Times they intend…
The whack-job used the word ‘appeasement” concerning Democrat’s willing to buckle to the pressure of the almighty Republicans in Congress. That’s just friggin’ hilarious since the Executive Branch and Congress was willing to bypass normal rules to mandate what they could during the past two years.