Grayson is back!!!
Even though he was defeated in his bid for re-election to Congress last November, yesterday, Alan Grayson “threw his hat in the ring” for the November, 2012 election.
In case you have forgotten, while in office, Mr. Grayson was able to provide the country with numerous soundbites, each one more outrageous than the last. You can refresh your recollection here, and here. On second thought…
We don’t know yet the Florida district that will be the lucky winner of the Grayson lottery. As a result of the 2010 Census, Florida will receive 2 additional seats in the House, and one of those seats is expected to be in the Central Florida/Orlando area that Grayson calls home.
But, now that the Casey Anthony trial is over, Central Florida will be “blessed” with yet another reason to to pretend that you don’t live in Central Florida, even if you do.

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I still think he should try for the Democratic Nomination for president…my left toe could beat him.
With Tony “Peekaboo” Weiner out of the game for now, perhaps the Dems felt they needed his help hating Republicans and other normal people.
Grayson !!? Let the side show begin.?
I pray that Floridians will be too embarassed to vote for him.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he were to win.? That’s how far we have fallen.? This guy is a raging idiot.
Don’t they ever just GO AWAY!!!!
Alan Grayson -? Mickey Mouse Democrat.
He should join the DOJ and cook up?arms swap ops.? Seriously, the guy isn’t fit to empty?drool cups. ?
SOS, didn’t know if you already meant this by the title. All I can think about Grayson coming back, is one of the scariest scenes in movie history. Jack Torrance played by Jack Nicholson in “The Shining” saying “I’m ba…ck”. Pure evil
Aren’t liberals just too funny! ?There’s nothing authentic about them. ?They “feel” for everyone until nobody’s looking. ?Such phony guilt! ?They have all the answers until someone says “can you be specific?” ?They really can’t help themselves… their ideas just plain suck! ?When are they going to realize that they’ve outlived the usefulness they thought they had? ?”Oh, and Alan Grayson, don’t give up your room in Mom’s basement quite yet. ?She’ll still be doing your laundry and cooking your meals after you lose your next election bid!”?
Actually, I think figures like Greyson are good for conservatism.? Even if Greyson wins an election, his presence in Washington will only hurt the image of the Democrat Party and liberals in general.
Extreme lefties like Greyson (and Pelosi) were very helpful to GOP election efforts in the November.? A good percentage of voters were not necessarily voting for Republicans in November, they were voting against Democrats.? I think that guys like Greyson make it easier for the GOP to contrast their positions on most issues, and it also makes them sound more grounded to the voters….which, let’s face it…the media is not going to do for conservatives.
We almost need guys like Greyson to be around to illustrate to voters?how harmful and?unbalanced?the extreme left is.?
My friend Craig Henne on WPBR 1340 & WEI network,WPB should have a ball with him. I’ll call in the morning.
The Democrat party….Strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Proof positive that he can’t get a real job.? Apparently, even MSNBC, the dustbin of failed lefties, doesn’t want him.