
Immigration Bill & Obamacare – Incentive to hire immigrants instead of citizens

By Steve McGough | June 25, 2013 |

I’ll be the first one to tell you I have had little or no time to review the current immigration “fix” legislation, but this does not sound good at all. A week ago, journalists started looking into how the Obamacare rules would apply to new immigrants who will have become legalized. It seems employers would…

Sen. Feinstein “these oaths mean something”

By Steve McGough | June 24, 2013 |

When referencing the oath taken by government employees who work closely with national security issues, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) suggested “these oaths mean something.” I agree, and let me remind the senator about the oath she took.

Blanket amnesty, rubber stamp background checks and NO additional border enforcement

By Steve McGough | June 21, 2013 |

Trust me on this. Even if the legislation demands additional border enforcement, you won’t see it. They will just ignore that part of the legislation since they know nobody will do a damn thing about it. The flood of amnesty requests that will “require” a background check will be run through a “rubber stamp approval”…

Chicago teacher’s union leader – “Rich, white people” part of the education system’s problems

By Steve McGough | June 20, 2013 |

Staying classy! Karen Lewis, the president of the Chicago Teacher’s Union also claims she was “a girl who could throw a perfect slider” when she was growing up. OK, I don’t believe that for a second, but we do know she believes the rich, white people in Chicago are a problem for the cities school system.

Murphy on First Amendment: Should not apply to corporations (groups of people)

By Steve McGough | June 20, 2013 |

Really, isn’t a company, corporation, church, advocacy group or union just a group of people? Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) don’t think so, and they do not think the ACLU, Sierra Club, NRA or the media – all corporations – deserve First Amendment protection. The senators want to exclude corporations like the…

Is this our President?

By SoundOffSister | June 19, 2013 |

I received what follows from a friend of mine, and thought you might find it interesting.

How does the DNC lose 47 iPhones in 9 days?

By Steve McGough | June 17, 2013 |

Must have been quite the party. About two weeks ago, the Democratic National Conventions committee reported to the Charlotte police that almost $500,000 in electronics went missing during their convention last summer. About 13 percent of the electronics they sent are gone.

To keep us safe? Living in a free society means we accept a level of risk

By Steve McGough | June 7, 2013 |

How much freedom are we willing to give up for the illusion of additional safety? Certainly, time has proven many are more than willing to give up the freedoms of other people for what they think is a “safer” life for themselves, but this week we’ve entered into new territory. The government now has the…

More overreach? Border immigration officers can search computers, phones, based on hunches

By Steve McGough | June 6, 2013 |

Yup. If you are entering the country and an immigration or customs officer has a hunch your computer or phone may contain bad stuff, they can take the device and download the information.

IRS simply withholding information and lying to Congress

By Steve McGough | June 6, 2013 |

On June 2, I wrote about the IRS conferences being held between 2010 and 2012. During that period, the inspector general’s report indicated the agency spent upwards of $50 million on conferences. About a year ago, then Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner – or someone answering his mail – outright lied and claimed the department had only spent $500,000…