
Government overreach? NSA throws wide net collecting millions of phone records (Update)

By Steve McGough | June 6, 2013 |

Imagine if we learned the Bush (43) administration – even with a warrant – got a judge to approve the NSA’s access to the time, date, phone number called, and phone number received of the parties for every single international and domestic phone call made on a specific network?

IRS managers and employees living large at government conferences

By Steve McGough | June 2, 2013 |

Public service once meant something quite a bit different than it does today. Sure, the benefits have been very good to great for government employees for decades, but the reports we hear from agencies like the GSA and IRS sound like parties from the Internet tech boom of the 1990s.

IRS not answering Senate Finance Committee questions

By Steve McGough | May 31, 2013 |

The IRS thinks it’s OK to ask conservative and libertarian groups hundreds of questions, yet they ignore Senate Finance Committee questions posed concerning how the department put into place policies targeting groups including local TEA Party organizations.

The new and improved Obamacare enrollment form

By SoundOffSister | May 1, 2013 |

Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services released yet another version(s) of the forms you must fill out to obtain insurance on the Obamacare exchanges.

The “sequester” hits JFK Airport Update

By SoundOffSister | April 22, 2013 |

Yesterday, the federal government began cutting the work hours of Air Traffic Controllers allegedly because of the sequester.  The controllers will now be required to take one unpaid day off every 15 days.  Today we learned of up to two hour delays at JFK due to the sequester.  Forgetting for the moment that the sequester…

Obama targets wealthy who have “too much” money in individual retirement accounts

By Steve McGough | April 6, 2013 |

Class warfare continues. The Obama administration thinks too many wealthy people have been “abusing” the individual retirement account (IRA) system by following the law and maxing out their contributions. Then, they had the gaul to hire investment councilors – or make smart decisions themselves –  and actually make a profit … too much of a…

Energy subsidies

By SoundOffSister | March 28, 2013 |

Not only is this country going broke, but most of Europe is going broke as well.  In this country, strangely, our President bemoans the effects of the sequester, while, at the same time, continues to support massive transfers of your wealth to all sorts of energy subsidies.  Someone is now questioning that.

Trifecta for tyranny, Part Three

By SoundOffSister | March 27, 2013 |

We’ve posted this before (in November, 2011), and Jim spoke about it again today in light of the Supreme Court’s hearings on gay “marriage”.   

The Raisin Administrative Committee

By SoundOffSister | March 26, 2013 |

I will wager a guess that you have no idea that lurking within the bowels of the federal government we have a Raisin Administrative Committee.  But, we do.  It has come to light as a result of an oral argument last week before the United States Supreme Court.

Obamacare’s insurance subsidies

By SoundOffSister | March 25, 2013 |

Last week the federal government issued information concerning the sign-up process for Obamacare that will begin October 1 of this year.  Here are the details.