
The oil speculators are driving up the cost of oil myth

By Steve McGough | March 21, 2012 |

That’s right, it’s a total myth. For those of you who are unfamiliar with how the commodities market works, here’s a primer. If you are a speculator who thinks the price of oil is going up, you have to find a speculator who thinks the price of oil is going down. Got that? You have to buy oil…

Obama gets it totally wrong on oil production … again

By Steve McGough | March 21, 2012 |

Today, President Obama totally contradicted himself in the same paragraph, but it’s nothing new. He’s trying to claim we’re drilling a bunch of oil as compared to the past, but he’s refusing to tell you the full story, which is not that hard to understand.

U.S. imposes tariffs on Chinese solar panels – complains they subsidize foreign competitors

By Steve McGough | March 21, 2012 |

You have read the headline correctly. The Obama administration’s Commerce Department has imposed a tariff on Chinese solar panels imported from China. The administration complains the Chinese government has subsidized their own solar manufactures and unfairly put US manufactures at a disadvantage.

Obama “can’t do much” to lower gas prices … demands they go higher

By Steve McGough | March 17, 2012 |

When the cost of doing business increases, the business can increase prices, take a lower profit margin, cut dividends, cut labor and R&D, or most likely a combination of those options. Basic business right?

Gallons per hour: a new metric for the lousy Øbama economy?

By Dimsdale | March 16, 2012 |

It may seem simplistic, but wouldn’t measuring they buying power of your salary (or what’s left of it) in terms of gallons of fuel per hour make a certain amount of sense? Think about it: it will make the effects of increasing fuel prices something directly relevant to everyone except the minority of people that…

Another Obama oil price task force!

By Steve McGough | March 15, 2012 |

He’s serious, so much so, he’s created a task force to “look into speculation to make sure folks are not taking advantage of the situation on the global oil markets”. We’ve heard about oil task forces before … never seem to hear what they have found.

Unemployment rate steady, more than 227,000 jobs added

By Steve McGough | March 9, 2012 |

I’ll just point you over to Ed Morrissey at Hot Air.

College loan debt exceeds credit card and auto loan debt in United States

By Steve McGough | March 9, 2012 |

If someone asked you about total college loan debt as compared to credit card and car loan debt, would you know that college loan debt was highest?

Just saying… Government collects about $60 billion a year on sales of gasoline at the pump

By Steve McGough | March 8, 2012 |

In 2010, the United States consumed about 3.28 billion barrels of gasoline. With 42 gallons per barrel, that’s 137.8 billion gallons. There are state and federal taxes collected at the pump. How much did government collect?

Williams reminds us: Manufacturing productivity has doubled in 25 years

By Steve McGough | March 5, 2012 |

… and in 2011 manufacturing increased 11 percent from 2010. But you thought all of the manufacturing was leaving the United States?