
West Virginia fire station not being rebuilt thanks to prevailing wage (union) rules

By Steve McGough | March 5, 2012 |

The volunteers who staff the Sissonville, W.Va. Fire Department have been working for more than 16 months to collect donations and government funding to rebuild their fire station after it burned to the ground in Oct. 2010. I know, ironic. After getting an estimate of $1.2 million to build and raising the funds through a variety…

US production of crude oil, imports and exports – Actual Data

By Steve McGough | March 1, 2012 |

I’ve been meaning to reformat this data and post here for some time. It includes data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), a government entity which collects data and produces nothing more than Excel spreadsheets (most likely). Lots of oil production data…

Obama Energy Secretary: no our goal is not to lower gas prices (video in context)

By Jim Vicevich | March 1, 2012 |

Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu says it all in this one piece of video.No the ultimate goal of the Obama administration is not to ease the burden of higher gas prices, it’s to get you in electric cars or … on trains … or buses to no where. Courage!

Obama again displays the difference between statists and conservatives

By Steve McGough | February 29, 2012 |

Maybe it’s not statists and conservatives, but to President Obama it’s him against his opponents. On his home-turf in front of a United Auto Workers crowd in Washington yesterday, Obama couldn’t grasp the concept that wanting to be on top and working together is not mutually exclusive.

Durable goods orders down 4% to start the year

By Steve McGough | February 28, 2012 |

Ed Morrissy at Hot Air always watches federal government statistics and economic reports, providing a good, easy to understand explanation. Today, the U.S. Census Bureau announced orders for manufactured durable goods in January declined 4 percent.

Geithner: Fortunate Americans should bear slightly larger burden of the privilege of being an American

By Steve McGough | February 24, 2012 |

Replaying the same old song. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was interviewed this morning on CNBC and one of the discussions was taxes. He thinks fortunate Americans should pay more, but the press never asks how much more would be enough.

Obama: Cut corporate tax rate to 28% – but ensure they pay more than before

By Steve McGough | February 22, 2012 |

I guess this is the political game. Reach out and let everyone know you’re going to lower the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent, but then close all the “loopholes” – in other words eliminate deductions for many expenses – to ensure the overall tax burden of corporations goes up.

Oil & gas companies prosecuted for bird deaths … Wind turbine companies not so much

By Steve McGough | February 20, 2012 |

The US Attorney for the state of North Dakota took seven oil and gas companies to court charging them with killing 28 migratory birds.

Obama administration completely unconcerned about debt and deficit after 2012

By Steve McGough | February 16, 2012 |

Ten years. That’s all they give a crap about. The goal here is to get re-elected and kick the can down the road.

Foreclosures set to rise again as banks get their act together

By Steve McGough | February 16, 2012 |

After the $26 billion dollar settlement that has supposedly fixed paperwork screw ups, set guidelines for the future, and put cash into the hands of some former-homeowners, bank foreclosures have jumped up 3 percent in the last month.