Articles posted by

Steve McGough

Ukraine vs Russia, Obama vs Romney & Palin video clips

By Steve McGough / March 4, 2014 /

No real time to write about Russia’s encroachment (invasion) into the Ukrainian state of Crimea, but I figured I’d post these video clips for review since I find them somewhat interesting. Let’s look back to yesterday’s Krauthammer comments and the 2012 election.

So what was in Arizona’s SB 1062 “Anti-Gay” bill?

By Steve McGough / March 3, 2014 /

Have you read the Arizona “anti-gay” bill? I learned the bill was a total of two pages, so I figured I would go and read the legislation. I’m not going to copy and paste it here since it would take me 20 minutes to format it properly, so click here, read the legislation and come right…

Minimum Wage… President Obama, where does the extra $3 come from?

By Steve McGough / March 3, 2014 /

It’s a very honest question, but my guess is nobody – not one person – will dare to ask President Obama when he arrives at my alma mater on Wednesday. When you arbitrarily increase the minimum wage one, two or three dollars per hour, where does the money come from? On Feb. 4, Gov. D.P.…

Illinois real estate agents trying to “ensure safety” after concealed carry becomes law

By Steve McGough / March 3, 2014 /

You tell me. Is there a mental disorder here? Illinois passes legislation allowing law-abiding citizens to apply for state permits and carry a firearm concealed for personal protection. All of a sudden, we have real estate agents in a quandary trying to figure out how to handle this huge conundrum. From the Chicago Tribune. The Illinois…

Symptom of the Disease: Federal funds used for N.J. Hurricane Sandy relief

By Steve McGough / January 13, 2014 /

This is the kind of stuff that always comes up when the federal government steps in to provide funding to a local area with a bail out. New Jersey and Gov. Chris Christie is being investigated concerning how they spent federal dollars for a marketing campaign to promote the state and its shoreline.

Merry Christmas from RVO

By Steve McGough / December 24, 2013 /

George W. Bush’s 2005 Christmas Message…

Obama administration puts more pressure on health insurance companies…

By Steve McGough / December 13, 2013 /

… to solve the problems created by the Obama administration and Obamacare. Back on Dec. 6 I wrote about the provision in Obamacare that might leave doctors and health care providers in a position where they are told a patient has coverage, but they end up not getting paid. Now, but Obama administration is pressuring…

“Simple mistakes” plagued Connecticut health exchange during first month

By Steve McGough / December 12, 2013 /

We were led to believe Access Health CT was a shining example of what was going right with the health care insurance initiative, but it turns out 2,400 enrollees were provided incorrect information about the plan they selected during the month of October. Some signed up for no-deductible plans that ended up having a $3,000…

Federal exchanges finally make it easier to see actual insurance costs

By Steve McGough / December 9, 2013 /

From the New York Times no less! When you offer low premiums, generally there is a higher deductible involved. This is nothing new, but the grand marketing campaign that is the Obama administration hid – on purpose – the deductibles associated with insurance policies on the federal exchange … until two weeks before the deadline.

Think like a slave owner… argue black slaves don’t deserve human rights

By Steve McGough / December 9, 2013 /

You probably won’t see that creative writing assignment in a high school English class, but some students in an Albany, N.Y. High School English class were asked to “argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!”