Articles posted by

Steve McGough

Some states blocking Tesla from selling cars through stores

By Steve McGough / March 13, 2014 /

Tesla has a different business model when selling cars. Similar to Microsoft and Apple, they are opening up their own stores in states to sell cars. No dealerships. Of course, car dealer organizations and their lobbyists don’t like this “cut out the middle man” approach, so they want states to ban the stores from selling…

Fewer than 10% of eligible 18- to 34-year-olds signed up for Obamacare

By Steve McGough / March 13, 2014 /

The plan was – and still is – they need huge support from the young crowd who do not have employer-sponsored health insurance to buy into the state or federal exchanges. The goal for the first year was to have 2.8 million enrolled (out of 11.4 million), but total signups are only at 1.1 million…

Colorado not as dope as we thought?

By Steve McGough / March 11, 2014 /

Regulate it and tax it! In the official proposal dated Feb. 18, Colorado’s  Gov. John Hickenlooper requested an additional $28 million in state funding for regulation of pot in the state for the time period July 2013 through July 2015 (two fiscal years). There was already $29 million allocated for enforcement and public safety in 2013.…

Obama administration not tracking the number of health care uninsured?

By Steve McGough / March 7, 2014 /

Mary Katherine Ham over at Hot Air notes the Obama administration’s health care team does not seem to be tracking the number of people without health insurance, or the number of previously uninsured who now have coverage. You would think the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) would consider that to be an important…

NRA Basic Pistol class scheduled for March 17 & 18

By Steve McGough / March 6, 2014 /

My next NRA Basic Pistol class will be held on Monday and Tuesday, March 17 & 18 starting at 6 p.m. each night. An ideal number of students for me is six, and I think I have three, so I’d like to again reach out to readers to see if they are interested.

Obamacare supporters attack people who lost health care plans they liked

By Steve McGough / March 6, 2014 /

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Those were the specific words President Obama and hundreds of other politicians used to sell the Affordable Healthcare Act. They were lying, over-and-over again. Now, when good people like Julie Boonstra tell their story, they are…

What’s likely to happen to Connecticut residents who did not register magazines and rifles?

By Steve McGough / March 5, 2014 /

There has been a lot of talk and chest thumping concerning the failed implementation of Connecticut’s “assault weapon” and “high-capacity” magazine registration scheme. It seems a significant number of people have ignored the law, and more probably have no idea they were supposed to register their stuff in the first place.

Think Progress notes Chipotle’s “climate change” reference, ignores “government regulations” in annual report

By Steve McGough / March 4, 2014 /

When a company files an annual report with the SEC, they cover every possibility to ensure they will not be sued by investors. You know … “prior results are not an indicator of future earnings.” But since Chipotle mentioned climate change in their annual report, Think Progress felt the need to inform the world we might…

Hinderaker: Obama is a liar of epic proportions

By Steve McGough / March 4, 2014 /

So true it seems. Our friend John Hinderaker over at Power Line reflects on the just-released Obama administration 2015 budget proposal and President Obama’s own comments concerning the budget at an elementary school in Washington, D.C. earlier today.

Felon tries to ambush deputy sheriff in Kentucky

By Steve McGough / March 4, 2014 /

Evil exists in the world, and sometimes you get lucky. Some idiot in Kentucky with multiple felony convictions made the decision to ambush Deputy Sheriff Jerry Jones – a buddy of mine – and try to shoot him with a .270 caliber hunting rifle. He missed. He’s in jail, and is now charged with attempted…