Fun video explaining current cap and trade legislation

Along with the video embedded below, The Tax Foundation has created an online calendar where you can estimate how much the cap and trade legislation will cost your family. President Obama was quite clear, energy costs will neccessarily skyrocket. Everything will be more expensive. Food will be more expensive, gas will be more expensive, heating…

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The evaporating global warming “consensus”

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal several weeks ago explaining that the Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, decided to postpone pursuing his Cap and Trade legislation until 2011.  He, much like President Obama, was elected with promises to do something about global warming, or climate change, or whatever the current phrase du jour happens…

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No more carbon dioxide, the final chapter

If you are an avid reader, the final chapter of any book always brings promise. You know you will learn who the villain is, and, the hero and heroine will live to see a brighter future.  With this final chapter there is neither promise, nor a brighter future. EPA’s decision to declare carbon a danger just…

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Hoist Yer Sails, Matey

Much has been written about “Cap and Trade” recently.  Regardless of it’s “good intentions”, I suspect most would refer to it as the largest proposed regressive tax increase in this country’s history.  But, apparently not satisfied with the crippling effects this legislation would have on our economy, Congressional democrats are now proposing even stiffer energy…

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