No more carbon dioxide, the final chapter
If you are an avid reader, the final chapter of any book always brings promise. You know you will learn who the villain is, and, the hero and heroine will live to see a brighter future. With this final chapter there is neither promise, nor a brighter future.
EPA’s decision to declare carbon a danger just as Congress was considering the Cap and Trade legislation was no coincidence. If the EPA ruling was reasoned it would have been accompanied by regulations defining, among other things, how much carbon can be emitted, and by whom. It didn’t. Were I a suspicious person, I would think that the administration had something to do with the timing of the EPA’s “finding”. You make your own decision.
The EPA took the highly unusual step of not accompanying its endangerment finding with actual proposed regulations. For now, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claims her agency will only target cars and trucks.
If you believe that, I have a nifty bridge in Brooklyn I would love to sell to you.
Which brings us back to the Obama Administration’s political roulette. Democrats know that their cap-and-tax agenda is losing ground, notably among Midwestern Senators. The EPA “endangerment” is intended to threaten businesses and state and local governments until they surrender and support the Obama agenda.
And, if you think business and non-federal governments won’t surrender, think again.
Massachusetts Democrat Ed Markey [a co-sponsor of Cap and Trade] put it this way at MIT recently: “Do you want the EPA to make the decision or would you like your Congressman or Senator to be in the room and drafting legislation? . . . Industries across the country will just have to gauge for themselves how lucky they feel if they kill legislation in terms of how the EPA process will include them.”
Final chapter…Rahm (Dead Fish) Emanuel, tells the EPA to declare carbon a threat. Ed (Dirty Harry) Markey asks Congress “how lucky do you feel”. And the President gets his way.
Hope and change. I hope that within my lifetime technology will catch up to the change being forced down our throats. If not, well, I’m told the Amish live quite comfortably.
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Hummm – we are a carbon based lifeform, therefore we are a threat? Maybe Algore was on to something? NOT!
This will just drive more industry out of the country.
Do they ever realize that all the carbon locked up in coal, oil, natural gas etc., was originally in the atmosphere millions of years ago? It didn't just come out of nowhere. One could make a semi serious argument that this carbon is "trash" buried long ago, much like our landfills, which will also no doubt be mined for raw materials in the future.
cap and trade is the ultimate destruction of industry in the United States. How can you look at a plan like cap and trade and not come to the conclusion that these idiots want only to destroy industry in our country? I guess I am one of the few that just doesn't get it. I stay awake at night contemplating how we recover from all of this. I don't see the path.
@Davis…if the utility industry is OK with Cap and Trade, it is only because they will be able to pass on the entire cost of obtaining a "permit" to the utility rate payers, that is you and me. The utilities will not "eat" hundreds of billions of dollars a year in new "taxes". You and I will be paying those hundrds of billions, not the utilities.