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Malloy Budget: Two Years, Nearly $40 Billion UPDATE: New York celebrates

By Jim Vicevich / February 17, 2011 /

This is a great wrap up of the new Governor’s budget message to the legislature yesterday. Dana Whalen, WTIC News Director, has compiled a great post that includes audio of the Governor’s speech, text of the speech and links to reaction from business and political leaders in the state. Here’s a sample.

Sebelius’s Medicaid solution

By SoundOffSister / February 5, 2011 /

Regardless of the state you live in, state budgets are a mess. Governors and legislators are reviewing every line item to find out where cuts can be made. But, one of the biggest costs facing any state is Medicaid. And under Obamacare those costs will rise dramatically as millions will be added to the rolls.…

Higher taxes, reduced deficits and Milton Friedman

By SoundOffSister / November 28, 2010 /

While Congress debates whether to increase taxes on the “rich” (yes, allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire is a tax increase), it it worth reflecting on the words of the late economist, Milton Friedman. Politicians will always spend every penny of tax raised and whatever else they can get away with. And, a study done…

California balances budget with your money

By SoundOffSister / October 9, 2010 /

Finally, the state of California has passed a budget. This is good news as the state’s fiscal year began over three months ago, and there was reason to believe that the state would have to issue IOU’s to pay it’s bills if no budget was passed. There is more good news in that the budget is actually…

Media buries the real math of health care reform

By Steve McGough / March 21, 2010 /

Democrats have laughingly suggested we will lower costs, increase services and ensure everyone is covered all while spending less and not increasing adding to yearly deficits or the debt. Pipe dreams may come true, but the New York Times tells us about the real math in an Op Ed piece … and conveniently buries it.

White House unveils $3.8 trillion budget monster (Update)

By Steve McGough / February 1, 2010 /

While distributing the largest federal budget in the history of the world, administration staffers reminded everyone the country would be running huge deficits for the foreseeable future, and there is nothing anybody can do about it.

Obama considering paying off debt, with more debt

By Steve McGough / November 12, 2009 /

I’m quite certain the Obama administration consists of a bunch of fools, and they think you’re a bunch of fools too. Imagine paying off one of your credit cards with another one of your credit cards. Would you think you’ve improved your financial situation? The bozos are considering reducing the deficit with “extra” TARP funds.

Estimated 2009 United States deficit now $2.2 trillion

By Steve McGough / August 10, 2009 /

I was Jim’s guest on the Sound Off Connecticut’s special Saturday edition as he filled in for Dunaway. I mentioned the federal government was borrowing $20 billion a week. Sorry, I messed up. As of the end of July, we’re borrowing $43 billion a week, ensuring the 2009 deficit will be $2.2 trillion. The 2003…

If I were you, I’d stop doing business with the state of California

By Steve McGough / August 10, 2009 /

It’s bad enough the situation in California requires the state to dish out IOUs to residents and small business owner who are owed refunds or contract payments, but now the state will not allow IOUs to be used as payment for amounts owed to the state itself.

The Republican budget alternative that wasn’t

By Steve McGough / March 29, 2009 /

On Thursday, Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) unveiled the Republican budget alternative to President Obama’s massive spending plan released days earlier. The press conference – seemingly in response to President Obama mentioning there was no Republican alternative on the table – was pretty much a joke. The video released on Boehner’s Republican leader blog (video…