Gun Control
Elizabeth Larkin, a spokeswoman for the state Democratic party was quoted in The Hartford Courant yesterday, and I’m trying to figure out what the heck she is talking about.
As usual, it is the local population that must stand up and fight tyranny at the state and federal level. Sheriffs in New York state are not hiding the fact they will not be enforcing state law restricting firearm magazine capacity to seven rounds.
A tremendous amount of funding thrown into the Colorado State Senate recall effort by gun control advocates – including personal funding by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg – still could not save two senators who were recalled by the people of Colorado.
No shots were fired. This thug was running for his life after a liquor store clerk in Sunderland, Ma. pulled out a firearm in self-defense after the robber came in and displayed a large knife and demanded cash.
The media exploitation of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a man who was defending himself – George Zimmerman – was a complete and total media circus driven by President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder in their attempt to divide and crush this country and destroy it from within.
But you see, it’s the law-abiding gun owners who need to register their guns and never have more than 10 rounds in a magazine … that’s the real problem right? Does Connecticut get it yet?
This morning I received a couple of notes referencing a Big Government post by Brian Cates. In turn, Cates references a Maureen Dowd interview with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.).
The real point for me is that the police should have never been called and the kid should have been left alone. Fourteen-year-old Jared Marcum wore a T-shirt to school that offended the administration because it said Protect Your Right with a picture of an AR-style rifle on it.
I saw this report yesterday and I’ve been waiting for some journalist or politician to point to these preliminary numbers and scream out “See, see! More guns equals more crime.” I have not seen anything yet, so maybe there is some hope. I’ll still bet $10 that someone will read the first paragraph of the…