Gun Control
Worth eight minutes of your time. Here’s the basic question … there are guns all over the United States, in every city and every suburb. Why do certain areas within cities like Chicago have extreme issues with gun violence, when other communities within the United States do not have as big of an issue, or…
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) really is fearless when it comes to taking on the old-guard senators on the left. Although Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) never really answers the question posed by Cruz, she did mention Heller a couple of times.
This is what we’re dealing with. She’s pathetic and delusional. I just don’t know what to say. Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) claims it’s legal “to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.”
I’m sick of hearing that gun owners think this, and gun owners think that. The NRA-ILA went right to the source and commissioned a poll of 1,000 NRA members and the opinion of those members and gun owners certainly do not match up to any gun control politician’s remarks.
When Norwich, Conn. police officers responded to a man-with-a-gun call in late February, they unfortunately had to use lethal force to stop a disturbed man. 41 shots. Six hits. A 15% hit rate. When the Connecticut lawmakers suggest a 10-round magazine limit, that equates to having one or two opportunities to stop a threat. Then, you’re SOL.
The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action is coordinating a Lobby Day in Hartford with local Connecticut groups this coming Monday. I expect this will be a large event, and parking should not be an issue since there will be complementary shuttle transportation available from Cabela’s in East Hartford. Everyone is encouraged to try…
Worth the time. “In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control, and delivers the factual evidence and historical truths that make the case for the Second Amendment self-evident.”
All this renewed talk about gun control in the wake of the Newtown murders made me realize: the liberals just don’t trust you do to much of anything on your own. Consider, if you will, a few of the liberties the left has tried to, is trying, or has, wrested from you: School choice and/or…
The media is faithful partner with the more-gun-regulation-is-needed crowd and it must stop. I challenge the main stream media in Connecticut and around the country to do some honest reporting on this issue, but I don’t hold much hope.
Actually, this could be criminal. If someone told you it was perfectly acceptable to fire a round through a door at a target you had not identified, how do you think that would go over?