Gun Control
Certainly you’ve heard local police chiefs in many cities touting gun buyback programs as a great way to get guns off the street. Supposedly, that’s what it was all about, but things have changed for many communities including St. Charles, Ill., a town about 45 miles west of Chicago. They are now selling some guns…
On the big radio show tomorrow, one of Jim’s topics will be 3D printers and the ability to “print” a lower receiver for a rifle, as well as various sized magazines and even a pistol. Watch the documentary before the show!
The Bristol, Conn. Public School system has been called out for what can only be called gun-control indoctrination using old information pushing a specific political agenda. Luckily, parents took notice of the lies and propaganda, and Bristol’s superintendent of schools had the assignment withdrawn from the classroom.
We often hear from sheriffs (elected positions) and police chiefs (appointed by politicians) concerning their thoughts on “assault weapon” and “high-capacity” magazine bans, but we’re unable to hear from law enforcement officers not in leadership positions. A recent survey of more than 15,000 verified law enforcement professionals confirm what I’ve been hearing and what I’ve said for…
I don’t have the video, but Matt Lauer from the Today Show was just interviewing an NBC talking head and the talking head inferred – again – that you can buy a gun at a gun show or online without a background check. This is an outright lie when it comes to online purchases, and…
I was speaking to Jim the other day about the reluctance of people to “get involved” with the mental health of friends and family members. Honestly, I’m guilty. It’s not a stretch to be aware of a constant stream of strange attitudes, inappropriate comments, excessive drinking, depression, anti-social behavior and other “quirks” of someone we…
Why registration? Why registration of “in common use” semi-automatic rifles? Why registration of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds? There are three reasons the gun-control crowd in Connecticut wants registration … and none of them are to prevent crime or save children.
While the President and many in Congress are demanding federal legislation that will require background checks prior to purchasing a weapon, another piece of our government is insisting that background checks could be unlawful.
Let’s accept reality here. Gun-control-supporting politicians don’t care about the details from Newtown, they just want to get rid of as many guns as possible since they hate guns and hate gun owners. They do this because that is how they are programmed … they must do something, even when the something they do does…