
Obama Re-Aims for Pro-Gun Vote – Won’t Work

By Steve McGough | April 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama Re-Aims for Pro-Gun Vote – Won’t Work

Nice try, but Carrie Budoff Brown’s spin at Politico is not going to cut it with 2nd Amendment advocates and NRA members. For the last few days, Conservative247’s featured post informed readers of Obama’s clear position against concealed carry laws. Since his interview in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review on April 2, I’ve been waiting to…

Democrats Seem to Always Want to Change the Rules

By Steve McGough | April 4, 2008 | Comments Off on Democrats Seem to Always Want to Change the Rules

I don’t get it. Prior to the primary and caucus starting gun, the Democrats set the rules. The Michigan and Florida delegates would be punished since they went against party policy and scheduled early primaries. Keep in mind that the Democrat party is not the government, they are a private party and can make up…

Concealed Carry Works – Obama Ignores Facts

By Steve McGough | April 3, 2008 |

The state of Michigan recently celebrated an anniversary. Six years ago state legislature passed, and the governor signed, a new law that effectively made Michigan a shall-issue state when it comes to right-to-carry. Those opposed to concealed carry in Michigan were distressed, convinced that additional weapons would result in more armed robberies, innocent people getting…

Governement Promotes Subprime Loans – Gets Caught

By Steve McGough | April 3, 2008 | Comments Off on Governement Promotes Subprime Loans – Gets Caught

There is quite a bit of blame going on concerning the so-called subprime loan crisis. Depending on who you speak with, it’s either the predatory lenders that took advantage of people, or it was the people who signed the contract that clearly stated they were buying into an adjustable rate mortgage, but just didn’t care.…

High School Dropout Rate Crisis

By Steve McGough | April 2, 2008 | Comments Off on High School Dropout Rate Crisis

If anything can be defined as a crisis, the current high school dropout rate statistics just might qualify. America’s Promise Alliance, founded by Colin Powell, released a report entitled Cities in Crisis, A Special Analytic Report on High School Graduation [PDF, 1.8 MB]. Overall, only seven in 10 high school student go on to graduate,…

Zero Tolerance at School – No Religious Art Permitted

By Steve McGough | April 1, 2008 |

I read an article earlier today on concerning a high school student who received a failing grade on an art project because it included a Bible reference. For the project, students were asked to draw a landscape. It looks like all of the pieces were charcoal works and one of the students included a…

Democrats Jump to Fix Problems

By Steve McGough | March 31, 2008 | Comments Off on Democrats Jump to Fix Problems

I call it the “we-have-to-do-something” disease. A tragic event occurs – or almost occurs – and everyone screams that the government should do something to solve the problem or prevent it from occurring again. It’s happening in Connecticut in reaction to a few tragic car accidents where teens were driving too damn fast, it happened…

Recycling Gone Mad

By Steve McGough | March 31, 2008 | Comments Off on Recycling Gone Mad

Why does the government make things so difficult? By definition – since we’re talking about the government after all – this is a rhetorical question, but some people are so confused about recycling rules that they have simply given up; hiding plastics of all sorts inside of paper bags in the regular trash cans. I…

“Speak English” Signs OK for Cheesesteak Shop

By Steve McGough | March 20, 2008 | Comments Off on “Speak English” Signs OK for Cheesesteak Shop

Although using English phrases it’s still not good form in Venezuela, Philadelphia cheesesteak shop owner Joe Vento has received the blessing of the Human Relations panel to leave up signs that reminds patrons that they are in America, and should speak English when ordering. Somehow, the panel only voted 2 to 1 in favor of…

District of Columbia v. Heller Transcripts and Audio

By Steve McGough | March 18, 2008 | Comments Off on District of Columbia v. Heller Transcripts and Audio

For those interested, I’m providing links directly to the written transcript and some audio files as well. Walter E. Dillinger speaks before the court for the petitioners , including the city of Washington D.C., at the very beginning of the argument. Within a minute or two, Chief Justice Roberts throws Dillinger off his game and…