
Never Mind About Illegals Learning English – We Must Speak Spanish

By Steve McGough | July 10, 2008 |

Here’s the thing. I wish that I could speak a second language. I really do. I tried speaking Spanish in high school and college, and one of my roommates in Washington D.C. was from Panama. Nothing helped. I can’t get that part of my brain to work very well. Those who can speak a second…

Improve Self Esteem – Cancel Competition for Kids

By Steve McGough | July 1, 2008 |

Again from the “this-make-absolutely-no-sense” file. The mayor of Beechwood, Ohio has elected to cancel the Little League All-Star game to avoid hurting the self esteem of the kids who are not selected for the team. He’s not kidding. First, we stopped keeping score because we did not want the losers to feel bad. Now, we…

Great Business Opportunity Available in D.C.

By Steve McGough | June 30, 2008 |

I’ve been reading a bit about the Heller decision and how things will change for the better in the District. At this point, residents who qualify should be able to purchase a pistol for home protection. Personally, I do not think that a pistol is the best choice for a home defense weapon, but it’s…

Wesley Clark Throws Obama Under the Bus

By Steve McGough | June 30, 2008 | Comments Off on Wesley Clark Throws Obama Under the Bus

How else can you explain it? Four years ago, the Democrat elite were saying that only someone with prior military experience could bring the United States out of the at-war condition we were in. Of course Wesley Clark was one of those candidates, but as it turned out, John Kerry reported for duty and pretty…

French Plan to Regulate Line Dancing

By Steve McGough | June 29, 2008 | Comments Off on French Plan to Regulate Line Dancing

When it comes to stories out of France, you really do not have to try hard to find a good laugh. Although the countries new president seems to have his head on straight, that does not mean that the civil servants even have a brain. Country line dancing has become a big hit in the…

McCain Plays Both Sides of the Fence

By Steve McGough | June 20, 2008 |

Were you one of those people looking for a conservative candidate late last year? I certainly was, and I was pretty certain that John McCain was not a conservative. To say that he got slammed in October could be an understatement. McCain spent most of the fall preaching “comprehensive immigration reform” which included a border…

Taking a Closer Look at Dodd’s Mortgage (Updated July 21)

By Steve McGough | June 17, 2008 |

Since I’m one of his constituents here in Connecticut, I figured that I would take a closer look at the two mortgages that Chris Dodd and his wife received on his property here in-state and in Washington D.C. As I write this post, I’m assuming Dodd did not ask for special treatment. [Update June 18]…

Republicans Block Fuel Price Increase Proposed by Democrats

By Steve McGough | June 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Republicans Block Fuel Price Increase Proposed by Democrats

At least that’s how the headline should read. Liberals have not learned anything in decades, all they know how to do is tug at the heartstrings of the working family and promote feel-good legislation that does nothing. Point in fact; when you increase the tax burden on a business, the business is forced to make…

If you missed it …

By Jim Vicevich | June 2, 2008 | Comments Off on If you missed it …

One again … Harriet Christian, the Clinton supporter who lost it at the Democrat Rules Committee Hearing talked about the event with Cavuto today on Fox … click or scroll down to see and hear it all … but here’s my favorite part. No … she will not vote for Obama.

The Obama Change Machine

By Steve McGough | May 13, 2008 |

I have not had much time to post lately, but my new portal at work has been down for the last 30 minutes so I headed over to American Thinker and found this post concerning Obama’s changing opinions during the past 30 days. [Update: Malkin is letting us know that the House Republicans are jumping…