
The Politics of Class Envy

By Steve McGough | April 16, 2008 | Comments Off on The Politics of Class Envy

Here’s an article on American Thinker that is just up my ally – and well worth a read for our small audience. Obama and all of the populists like to tell you that they understand your plight. You’ve got a right to be mad, especially at all of  those rich people. CEOs make too much…

Republicans Can Be Populists Too

By Steve McGough | April 16, 2008 | Comments Off on Republicans Can Be Populists Too

Yes, they can. They are. They can be bigots and elitist too. We saw it with John McCain & Huckabee concerning the border and immigration issues. Michelle Malkin’s column just scratches the surface, politicians these days all seem to be pandering to special groups; they are populist candidates. What can the government do for you…

Nanny State – No More Tag at School in McLean

By Steve McGough | April 15, 2008 | Comments Off on Nanny State – No More Tag at School in McLean

This has happened before and it will happen again. Playing tag at school is just one of those physical activities that are too “aggressive”. Idiots. Pee-Wee football is pretty darn aggressive and since some kids loose, maybe we need to ditch that too. We are breeding and educating a bunch of sheep. Just hope that…

Wal-Mart’s New Gun Sales Policy – Value? Nothing

By Steve McGough | April 15, 2008 | Comments Off on Wal-Mart’s New Gun Sales Policy – Value? Nothing

Wal-Mart had to do something. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York City is on a crusade and taking tips from Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson on how to bully corporations for political gain. That’s simply what this is about, what looks good for elitists like Bloomberg. I understand that Bloomberg and his like want to…

What is the Cost of Educating Kids?

By Steve McGough | April 14, 2008 | Comments Off on What is the Cost of Educating Kids?

Quite frequently local municipalities provide data detailing how much money is spent per pupil for budget disclosure. But are the numbers we are provided the real cost of educating kids in the United States? It should be a pretty easy calculation, take the total amount of money spent to run the facility, pay teacher salaries…

The Oath of Office – Does it Really Count for Anything?

By Steve McGough | April 13, 2008 | Comments Off on The Oath of Office – Does it Really Count for Anything?

Again, Walter Williams hits the nail on the head. He may just be one of the most important conservative writers of my time, and I appreciate his style. This site is a primer for those interested in supporting a conservative platform. Not the Republican party platform, but a conservative platform. When it comes to the…

Muslim Public Charter School Exposed

By Steve McGough | April 13, 2008 | Comments Off on Muslim Public Charter School Exposed

This has certainly been a very quite story. What happens when kids pray together at a public school event? What happens when a valedictorian wants to mention God and her faith during a graduation ceremony? What happens when a teacher wears a cross in the classroom? We’ve all read about the results; students are barred…

Obama Wants You To Cling to Government, Not Religion

By Steve McGough | April 11, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama Wants You To Cling to Government, Not Religion

I’ve been reading online about Obama’s speech in San Francisco. He referred to people from little towns in Pennsylvania having a tough time, and implied that they feel betrayed because multiple administrations have done nothing to help them. Maybe some people in rural Pennsylvania do feel betrayed by the government, but it’s not because the…

We Need Term Limits – Help Lott Understand Metro Cards

By Steve McGough | April 11, 2008 |

Kennedy, Byrd, Stevens, Lott. Those are just some names from inside the beltway that are familiar to households across the country. They are generally not known for what they have done to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It’s more likely that they’re known for bringing home the bacon, or their…

Bill Clinton Wants Hillary to Loose

By Steve McGough | April 11, 2008 | Comments Off on Bill Clinton Wants Hillary to Loose

That’s my only explanation. During the past few days, the entire we-flew-in-while-snipers-were-shooting-at-us dust up has quieted down for the Clinton campaign. Then, just last night, Bill Clinton felt the need to bring it all up again – and he lied, again. He said that she was tired and it was the end of the day…