Chris Donovan Roundup: Campaign contribution quotables

A once seemingly, although not guaranteed, Democrat seat is suddenly in play for Republicans and its all the Democrats doing. The Feds are investigating the questionable handling of campaign contributions to a very liberal Democrat and the State House Speaker Christopher Donovan, who wants to replace very liberal Democrat 5th District Congressman Chris Murphy.

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Obama administration uses Underwear Bomb2 for politics

Remember how the left was absolutely livid when known-CIA employee Valerie Plame was “outed” by “someone” in the Bush administration? We’ve got a much more serious situation now, since the Obama administration outed a real undercover operative working with us in the War on Terror.

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Feds Raid California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

So goes Santa Barbara, so goes Hartford? A crackdown on California’s medical marijuana supply chain by federal authorities targeting the state’s illegal drug trade arrived this week in the affluent, coastal county of Santa Barbara. The latest actions include three asset forfeiture lawsuits filed against properties housing marijuana operations and warning letters sent to people…

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