Walter Williams writes – Lessons from the bailout

Williams has another good column out this week, and it quickly sums up – for those of you who missed it – how this economic crisis started back in 1977 with the Community Reinvestment Act. Walter’s point gets right to the root of the problem. Even though McCain and Obama want to lay the blame…

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ACORN will help judges mitigate mortgages

That is what Malkin is implying today. No time to research right now, but this goes hand-in-hand with what I wrote about earlier this week. Democrats and ACORN want judges to get involved with mortgage mitigation, where they have the power to lower interest rates and/or cut principle balances. Biden demanded it in the debate,…

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Your local bank is in fine shape, thank you

Earlier today, Chris Dodd – senator from Connecticut and Senate Banking Committee chairman – stopped by the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley Airport to meet with Connecticut business and labor leaders. He hoped the market would react positively to the federal government taking over a good chunk of the U.S. housing market. As of noon ET,…

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Questions about the bailout? Look no further

I can’t even comprehend how many people have given up trying to figure out what is going on with the economy. What the common folk have decided is simply “government knows best” – and they seem to be willing to put their lives and fortunes into the hands of the political elites. We can argue…

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Populism is alive and well – the economy and the Constitution

Let’s discuss the conservative viewpoint of the populist nightmare. Listen to any stump speech by your local, state and national politicians who are running for office and count the number of times he or she makes a promise to deliver something of value to you. What should be the role of the federal government –…

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Fox News slams Democrats on FM/FM – two days in a row

On Tuesday, I provided links to Jim Angle’s report with solid information and reporting on the Democrat congressional involvement – almost exclusively – on creating the current financial issues. Last night, Bret Baier from Fox News took stock of specific non-action by the Senate Banking Committee. Quite a few “see, I told you so” moments.…

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More proof Democrats let financial crisis happen

For those of you not paying attention, during the past 72 hours the financial crisis has been clearly explained more than a few times, and now the main stream media is catching up. Jim Angle – Fox News contributor – has a great video report that sums up the crisis again. The truth will be…

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Yes, Democrats created housing and financial crisis

I found this earlier today and sent out a quick Tweet on the subject, and Powerline just picked it up within the past few minutes. The basics of the commentary by Kevin Hassett is that although the financial crisis seems quite complex, it’s really not too hard to understand.

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Levin tears into the subprime crisis lies

Mark Levin – a great constitutional scholar – has a radio program on WABC in New York at 6 p.m. ET after the Hannity slot. I enjoy listening to him when I can and his book, Men in Black, helped me put into perspective how the judicial branch of the federal government got out of…

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Emotion will not help you understand fuel prices

Gas prices go up. Gas prices go down. Those of you who think there is a daily 7 a.m. ET conference call where the executives from ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and Sunoco decide what the price of gas should be that day are wrong. Fuel prices, just like any other world commodity, are driven by the…

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