Caution: Medicare may be hazardous to your health

If you are currently on Medicare, by now you have already received the nifty 4 page flyer from the Department of Health and Human Services extolling the virtues of Obamacare for those on Medicare.   Unfortunately, much of what is contained in the flyer is untrue.  Now, however, you have even more to be concerned about.…

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Canada’s health care system going broke

Remember when the folks in Washington jammed Obamacare down our throats? Remember, they pointed to Canada’s single payer system as an example of what our health care system should be?  It now seems, surprise, surprise that all is not going so well for Canada.

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Obamacare: do as I say, not as I do

Remember last September when the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), at the urging of Senator Baucus (D. Mont.), issued “cease and desist” orders against Medicare Advantage insurers from doing the unthinkable…actually communicating with their insureds about the provisions of Obamacare?  According to the administration, these communications were “false and misleading”. Why?  Because they actually pointed…

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Obamacare…more unintended consequences

We’ve already explained Obama’s promise that “you can keep your private health insurance if you like it” is pure rubbish.  But, you say, what if I have insurance provided by my employer?  Surely, I can keep that, can’t I?  For most Americans the answer will be a resounding no.  And here’s why. Obamacare requires that all employers with 50…

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Is the AMA trying to gag docs?

This is more than a bit curious.  Last month, the AMA issued a statement that at least one doctor, Hal Scherz, believes is intended to “suggest” to doctors that perhaps they either shouldn’t speak with their patients about Obamacare, or, shouldn’t tell them the truth.  Here is what the AMA had to say, [P]hysicians might reflect…

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The state and abortion: the shape of things to come?

Is it wrong for me to assume most government bureaucrats are lefties and thus carry the usual lefty baggage with them, including, it’s not a life, it’s a clump of cells, it’s not a heart beat, it’s a heart tone? Make no mistake, government bureaucrats will never view someone else’s life in the same manner as they…

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Henry Waxman and fellow Democrats are shocked!

Henry Waxman (D. Ca.) and other House Democrats intend to haul the CEO’s of several major companies before Congress on April 21 , and demand explanations about recent disclosures by those corporations concerning the true costs of Obamacare.  Actually, the true cost of Obamacare to these corporations is sizable, but that apparently was supposed to be kept a secret.…

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What is a “qualified” plan?

As you know, beginning in 2014, all individuals must have a “qualified” insurance plan, or pay a tax. Congressman Weiner’s protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, that tax will be enforced by the Internal Revenue Service as the tax imposed “shall be included in a taxpayer’s return”.  And, we all know who enforces information on tax…

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