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Political “correctness” gone awry: coming to the U.S.?

By Dimsdale / September 22, 2011 /

Whither goest Great Britain, so goest the United States? Great Britain is increasingly becoming a small laboratory of extremist socialist engineering, a microcosm of where the liberal Democrats here want this country to go.  Think about it: welfare, single payer medicine, immigration, gun control, taxation and political correctness.  A Democrat’s utopia.  Now think about how…

Dangerous ideas: Employers firing someone for voicing personal opinion

By Steve McGough / April 3, 2014 /

Nobody on the left is going to have a problem with this. You see, the left is tolerant of your personal opinion right up to the point where you express an opinion contrary to their own. Let’s say Chick-fil-A forced a manager at a store to resign because said manager contributed to a campaign promoting gay marriage.…