
Wait Just a Minute … You Mean It’s Not Because Women Belong In The Kitchen?

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Wait Just a Minute … You Mean It’s Not Because Women Belong In The Kitchen?

Shocked … shocked I tell you! You mean that CNN report could be wrong? Wait just a dog gone minute … somebody ain’t leveling with me.

CNN: It’s Cause She’s A Woman

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on CNN: It’s Cause She’s A Woman

Some women just don’t believe a woman should be President … or maybe just this woman? From CNN … 

The Tears … For Obama

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on The Tears … For Obama

This is the pic I talked about on today’s show from the AP via Yahoo News … he’s the way and the truth …  the messiahhhhhhh Here’s the other person crying over Obama.

Change … Loose Or Otherwise.

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Change … Loose Or Otherwise.

Wanted this on top. We played a bite today from the Dem Debate on change … Hillary and Edwards must have used it 20 times … and one caller phoned in to say he had heard the word so much it made him sick. Well just in case you haven’t heard enough … here’s Brit…

Mac Is Back?

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Mac Is Back?

If he is, it’s because he understands the number one issue facing the western world and it ain’t global warming … from his speech in NH today … at least he gets it.

Heckler Or Plant?

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Heckler Or Plant?

From WMUR TV tonight in New Hampshire … Now Updated … Hot Air reports its a radio stunt.  Nice comeback by my girl though. Crazy Radio People.

I Thought Private Retirement Accounts Were Too Risky?

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on I Thought Private Retirement Accounts Were Too Risky?

From tonight’s Hillary rally in NH! Is it me or don’t we already have this (IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEPS, etc)… minus the $1000.. I’ve got a better idea. Instead of giving me a $1000 to put in yet one more tax deferred retirement account let me invest my social security money myself.

Doing The Work College Kids Won’t Do … Unless you Pay Them

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Doing The Work College Kids Won’t Do … Unless you Pay Them

Senator Clinton wants everyone to have something …  But why oh why is the answer to everything always government … or in this case the infamous “government service”. From her rally tonight in NH. I don’t think the tax credit is going to help that family she was talking about very much … and I…

Two Americas

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Two Americas

This column is four days old … but worth the read because it speaks volumes about how I feel.  “Edwards second place finish in Iowa proves that there are at least two Americas. There’s the one where people dislike the rich, resent successful businessmen, and want to redistribute wealth; and then there’s the majority of…

Connecticut Republicans Getting A Jump On The Primary

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Connecticut Republicans Getting A Jump On The Primary

Chris Bigelow over at CT Local Politics, has info on a Republican straw poll on January 24th. Almost worth the price of admission. Update: OK … it is worth the price of admission … just read it all goes for charity. Sorry about that.