
Keep Off The Grass

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Keep Off The Grass

Mike Gravel must be high … speaking to high schoolers? Are you kidding me?Even though I don’t smoke I think Gravel might have a point here but not in front of the kids please … booze breaks up more families and causes many more deaths than dope ever has I am sure … at the…

The Debates

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on The Debates

The best run down of the debates really comes from Powerline folks. If you are looking for a quick read summary here’s the link to Saturday … and here’s their take on the Sunday Fox debate.


By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Our good buddy Jeff Jacoby at the Globe …. where have all the flowers … err … global warming gone. Send Jeff an e-mail … [email protected].

He’s Back!

By Jim Vicevich | January 7, 2008 | Comments Off on He’s Back!

My guess is he’s already called the Iowa moving van company. Update: oops … missed this one. And here’s audio from WTIC news.

No Debate Coverage Tonight!

By Jim Vicevich | January 6, 2008 | Comments Off on No Debate Coverage Tonight!

Burned out folks … I will be depending on someone else on this one. I will have highlights from the Sat debates though. 

Eli Is The Man … Again!

By Jim Vicevich | January 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Eli Is The Man … Again!

When you’re hot in the NFL you’re hot … just ask the Steelers from a couple years ago. Not sure if the Eli we’ve seen these last few weeks is the real deal … but please … no more Big Ben and Phil Rivers … Ben threw key INTs on Saturday and Phil Rivers could…

Too Scary For Most?

By Jim Vicevich | January 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Too Scary For Most?

On Friday Mr Moviefone recommended “The Orphanage” … a Spanish film with English subtitles. The ghost story is so scary, and so well done, Mr Moviefone said he didn’t even bother reading the subtitles. Today I get an e-mail from my friend Nils … and a big movie fan … especially of the ones that…

Corruption In Iraq … UN Style

By Jim Vicevich | January 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Corruption In Iraq … UN Style

It seems Iraqi officials say corruption became a way of life … under the UN oil for food program … read Glenn Reynolds take over at Instapundit … I agree!

Islamic Extremism … Conflict in the DOD

By Jim Vicevich | January 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Islamic Extremism … Conflict in the DOD

My buddy Jeff tipped me off to this … in an e-mail … and then Powerline blogged on it. This is scary folks … Now we are eliminating DOD officials who aren’t soft enough on Islamic Extremism? Oh Brother … we are doomed.

2008 Predictions

By Jim Vicevich | January 5, 2008 | Comments Off on 2008 Predictions

Another nice post from CT Local Politics. I don’t always agree … but they are funny and witty and entertaining.