
Thompson wins

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Thompson wins

Hey … that focus group says Thompson won … I tend to agree … he sounded tough, funny and … are you sitting … consistant.One lady just said he was articulate … isn’t that one of those words we’re not supposed to use.Uh oh … the women say he was too flip. Another lady says…

Thank You Mayor … That’s All The Time We Have

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Thank You Mayor … That’s All The Time We Have

Sweeter words have never been spoken. Bless the Lord … it’s over … how many more of these do I have to go through. OK now here comes the focus group on Fox

Huckster on Immigration

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Huckster on Immigration

Immigrants have  what … 120 days to get out of the country but we don’t have to round them up …. and illegals shouldn’t have to live in the shadows … but you got 4 months to get out … what? This still makes no sense. Please … somebody here stand up and stand out.

Look At Each 12 million Illegals Individually

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Look At Each 12 million Illegals Individually

I have to go back and check the tape. Did Gov Romney say we have to close the borders and then check each illegal here individually? What … we can’t process 3 million passports and he’s want to check out 12 million illegals … oh brother.

Pass The Plate

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Pass The Plate

Dumb question to Huckabee on “Submissive women” quote from the Bible. Dumb answer that is starting to get stale “Since we are talking religion can we pass the plate”. Please Gov. stop using the line. Please media … stop asking the question.


By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Change

There goes Giuliani again stealing my line about the Dems stealing loose change. Damn!

Huckster … huckstering!

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Huckster … huckstering!

“I didn’t raise taxes Chris … I raised hope.” What? What pray tell (no pun there) is in the water in Arkansas?

Did The Navy Do The Right Thing?

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Did The Navy Do The Right Thing?

What was up with the question … “The Naval commander decided not the escalate the incident this week with Iran by not firing on the Iranian swift boats … did he do the right thing?” What?


By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Buya!

Senator Thompson: “The news must be good in Iraq … the NY Times isn’t covering the Iraq war anymore.”

Rudy Giuliani vs John McCain

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Rudy Giuliani vs John McCain

Rudy … I supported the surge from the start too John. McCain … true but I condemned the original strategy too and forced the change. Touche!