
The Debate

By Jim Vicevich | January 10, 2008 | Comments Off on The Debate

Sorry … been very busy … I will have video of today’s bites up soon … plus video from tonight’s debate ….First impressions … Thompson has the line of the night … calling Huckabee on what it means to be a conservative. I thought Rudy Giuliani gave a nice response in describing what he thought…

Polls? We don’t need no stinkin …

By Jim Vicevich | January 9, 2008 | Comments Off on Polls? We don’t need no stinkin …

How could they be sao wrong and I be so right?

Good News … I Think

By Jim Vicevich | January 9, 2008 | Comments Off on Good News … I Think

Recession? We don’t need no stinking recession!

The Comeback … ummm …. Kid?

By Jim Vicevich | January 9, 2008 | Comments Off on The Comeback … ummm …. Kid?

John McCain can give some stirring speeches … this was not one of them … but it was a great win … and unlike the Democratic candidates … he won’t surrender.

Winner And Still Champion

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Winner And Still Champion

Come on … admit it … Jim’s pretty smart … if you listened today and then read the post below … I should get paid for my predictions. Oh … here’s some of her speech. No crying … just … dare I say … warmth? She even has the Bill Clinton lower lip bite down…

Me And Senator Clinton

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Me And Senator Clinton

Given Judy’s e-mail today I must explain my position on Senator Clinton. I am not endorsing her … when I say she is my pick I am saying it is my belief that she will win the Dem nomination and will likely be elected President. I do believe this Obamamamania is shortlived … like anything…

One More Reason NOT To Like Ron Paul

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on One More Reason NOT To Like Ron Paul

On the surface pretty damning. If its true … no response from him yet … then he not only sounds crazy (i.e. his position in the War On Terror) … he is crazy.

Term Limits

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Term Limits

CT Local Politics is posting this ….  Exit Question: When a Democrat in a Republican district proposes something near and dear to every Republitarian heart but that proposal stands no chance … none … zero … nada … of ever,  ever passing in Hartford … which is controlled by “lifer” Democrats …. are Republicans dumb…

OK … Now I Feel Really Guilty

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on OK … Now I Feel Really Guilty

Pay no attention to Mr Vicevich boys and girls … I’m just doing my bit to save your healthcare! Second Thought: If the movies can make kids smoke … do they also make kids want to have S-E- … Naaahhhhh … Noooooo …. Nope … No Way … that’s just … umm … experimenting.

Uh Oh! Now Bill’s Mad!

By Jim Vicevich | January 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Uh Oh! Now Bill’s Mad!

Finally … speaking out … remember I long ago predicted Mrs Clinton would win the nomination and I still think she will … and now her boyfriend is ticked off too.